Politics Resources

2008 National Conventions Going Green
2008 convention will be the greenest conventions so far in U.S. history.
2009 Stimulus In President Obama's Own Words
This historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning,
Barack Obama Biography
Barack Obama, the former senator from Illinois, is the first African-American president of the United States.
Barack Obama Foreign Policy at a Glance
We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals
Can the HOA really say No to Political Campaign Signs?
HOA restrictions on Political Signs
Constitution of the United States
The Constitution of the United States comprises the primary law of the U.S. Federal Government.
Economic Stimulus Plans - A Glossary Of Terms
Generally accepted definitions are given below so that you can become conversant in the language of stimulus packages.
Executive Summary of the 2009 Stimulus Package
In the next two weeks, the Congress will be considering the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009
GM Bailout Explained
General Motors Corporation (GM) declared bankruptcy on June 1, and as part of the company's restructuring.
Harry Reid Biography
He has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise him.
John McCain Biography
John McCain, currently a senator representing Arizona, would have been the oldest president of the United States if elected.
Michelle Obama Biography
When people ask Michelle Obama to describe herself, she doesn't hesitate. First and foremost, she is Malia and Sasha's mom.
Mitt Romney Foreign Policy at a Glance
Around the world we see tremendous upheaval and change. Our next President will face extraordinary challenges.
Nancy Pelosi Biography
Pelosi and her husband, Paul Pelosi, a native of San Francisco, have five children
Obama Stimulus Plan FAQ
FAQ about what is in the Obama 2009 Stimulus plan and who qualifies for what...
Obama's New Auto Warranty Commitment Program
If you buy a new GM or Chrysler car during this restructuring period you will be eligible.
President Obama's Cabinet
The Cabinet traditionally includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments
Rahm Emanuel Biography
Emanuel served as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for the 2006 cycle.
Stimulus Package 2009 - What's In It For YOU
All of the details of the $787 billion stimulus package and how it pertains to you.
The 2008 Political Conventions
It serves as an official introduction of a party’s nominee and demonstrates party unity
The 2009 Mortgage Bailout
The administration is launching what it calls the “Making Home Affordable” initiative.
The 2009 Mortgage Bailout Executive Summary
Homeowners with mortgages up to $729,750 may qualify for this program.
The 2009 Omnibus Bill Explained
2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act totals about $410 billion and covers funding for fiscal year 2009
The 2009 Stimulus Package Explained
All the details on the 2009 Stimulus package and how to get your piece of the pie.
The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP)
Two groups of people would benefit directly from the President’s plan.
The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court, part of the judicial branch, was established in the Constitution
The Supreme Court of the United States Explained
Approximately 10,000 petitions are filed with the Court in the course of a Term
Top 10 States Receiving Government Earmarks
In fiscal year 2008, there were 11,524 earmarks totaling $16,501,833,000
U.S. Senators of the 112th Congress
Senators of the 112th Congress
US House of Representatives
United States House of Representatives
Voter Registration
Registration forms may be obtained from the local election officials in your county or from the state's election office.
What Are Earmarks?
In the last election both McCain and Obama promised to end earmarks, if they were elected.
What Are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
If Fannie and Freddie were purely private firms they would have failed in 2008.
What Is The President's Cabinet?
The purpose of the Cabinet is to advise the President on matters relating to the duties of their respective offices.
What is Cap and Trade?
Learn about Cap and Trade, if it will work, and why there is so much debate about the issue.
What is the Electoral College?
The term "electoral college" does not appear in the Constitution.
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