Why is Yahoo Email Free?


All of your correspondence in Yahoo email is scanned and analyzed.  All email you send and all email you receive.  Everything!

Yahoo Mail's terms of service, that every user must accept at signup, gives the company the right to "scan and analyze all incoming and outgoing communications content sent and received from your account" and use the profile to "match and serve targeted advertising" to you.

It's Only Business

You give them data and they give you a service. They call it "free" because they have not taken money from you, but your data is far more valuable to them.

Yahoo's system actively trolls through your private messages every minute of every hour of every day.

Love it or Leave it

Users who would rather Yahoo didn’t scan their email are given instructions for downloading their messages to another email provider like @ecentral.com and encouraged to shut down their accounts.

Can I get Private Email?

Yes!  Many people today are choosing to go back to a typical transaction where they pay a monthly fee in exchange for email services.  

Look for an established email service that is:

  • Secure
  • Private
  • Has Live phone technical support

Private email services do exisit, and some like @ecentral.com have been around since the mid 90s.

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Source: Neighbohood Link
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