Safety Resources

5 Things To Do in a House Fire
As soon as you hear a smoke detector go off, smell smoke, or see fire, get out as soon as possible.
5 Tips To Prevent Noise Complaints In Your HOA
5 tips to prevent noise complaints in your HOA
Acetaminophen and Liver Injury: Q & A
Acetaminophen is the generic name of a drug found in many common brand name products such as Tylenol, Vicodin and Percocet
Addressing Gang Problems Through Strategic Planning
Using strategic planning to deal with gang problems.
Anthrax - Exposure, Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment
Humans can become infected with anthrax by handling products from infected animals or by inhaling anthrax spores.
Are You Ready for Earthquakes?
How to be better prepared in an Earthquake
Are You Ready for Landslides?
Facts about and how to protect yourself against landslides, mudslides, and debris flows
Are You Ready for Thunderstorms and Lightning?
Facts about Thunder and Lightning and how to protect against them
Are You Ready for Tornadoes?
Important facts and how to protect yourself against tornadoes
Are You Ready for Tsunamis?
Important facts about and ways to protect yourself from Tsunamis
Be Proactive and Improve Neighborhood Safety
Increase Safety and Security While away from your Home with Spike Strips
Bullying Prevention Program
Description of bullying behavior and its effects and the Olweus program for containing it.
Child Safety Seats (Car Seats)
Safety belts are designed for adults, and children under 4 feet 9 inches tall should ride with a booster seat.
Civil Remedies for Gang-Related Harm
Using small claims and landlord-tenant courts to deal with gang issues.
Computer Identity Theft
How to protect against computer identity theft.
Computer Safety in the Modern Age
How to keep your computer safe from viruses, spyware, and email hoaxes.
Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
How to prepare a disaster supply kit for your home, office, and car.
Creating A Fire Defensible Space
Wildfires are among the nation�s growing natural hazards.
EPA Asbestos Guide
Comprehensive EPA guide to asbestos
Emergency Planning Checklists
Checklist planning help for all types of emergencies
How to be prepared for a flood and also what to do during and after a flood.
Halloween Safety Tips
Tips can protect children who plan to go trick-or-treating this Halloween.
Handling Serious Juvenile Offenders
What works and doesn't work in dealing with serious juvenile offenders.'
Help Your Kids Stay Safe Online
Protect your children by teaching them how to stay safe and secure online.
Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
Safety tips for all types of holiday decorations: trees, indoor and outdoor lights, candles, and fireplaces
Home Fire Safety
Staying safe before, during, and after a house fire
Home Security Basics-A Short Guide
Basics of Homeowner Security and Safety.
How Can My Community Prevent Child Abuse?
Tips to educate individuals and communities about how to prevent child abuse and neglect.
How to Prevent House Fires
There are several things you can do to prepare and prevent disaster from striking your home.
How to deal with noise complaints in your HOA
Noise complaints can be a headache for everyone involved.
Human Pandemic - Government Food Services
Responding to a human pandemic will likely require communities to try and keep people from gathering in groups.
Hurricane Readiness
Facts about and ways to protect yourself and your property from hurricanes
Ingested Magnets - Serious Intestinal Injuries
Small magnets can kill children if two or more are swallowed.
Inspecting for Possible Home Earthquake Hazards
Tips on making your home earthquake safe.
Lightning Safety
On average, only floods kill more people. Lightning makes every single thunderstorm a potential killer.
McGruff the Crime Dog's 30th Anniversary 1980 - 2010
"Taking A Bite Out Of Crime" for the last 30 years.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine is three times more common in women than in men.
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Victims of violence often suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn, with little or no guidance and support.
No Child Left Behind and School Safety
Why No School Left Behind will make schools safer and more drug-free
Prepare for Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
Tips for preparing for winter storms and cold in your home and car
Preventing Dog Bites
Each year, 800,000 Americans seek medical attention for dog bites.
Preventing Identity Theft
Detailed discussion of how it can happen to you and what to do if it does-many useful links as well.
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a nationwide commitment to reducing gun crime
Protecting Homeowner Personal Information
How prepared is your association or your management company in today's high technology world of information?
Protecting Your Home From Burglars-Some Tips
Best methods of protecting your home from burglars in various situations and scenarios.
Rabid Animals In Your Neighborhood
Although people usually associate rabies with dogs, rabies today is more likely to be found in cats.
Red River Flooding
Red River Flooding typically occurs between the months of March, April and May.
Safety Recalls
When buying a used vehicle or other second-hand product check to make sure it hasn't been the subject of a product recall-two links to gov't websites.
Safety at Home
Great safety tips for home-how to prevent poisonings, falls, fires, suffocation and other mishaps including keeping your home safe from intruders.
Securing Your Wireless Network
A wireless network can connect computers in different parts of your home or business without a tangle of cords.
September is Baby Safety Month
Most deaths are associated with cribs, baby baths/bath seats, and playpens.
Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion
It occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature: the body's temperature rises rapidly...
Soft Bedding May Be Hazardous To Babies
Great recommendations on safe bedding practices when putting infants down to sleep.
State DUI Laws
Every state has "Implied Consent" laws.
Strings, Cords, etc. Can Be Hazardous To Infants
Never tie pacifiers, necklaces, toys, or other items around a child's neck.
Ten Tips to Protect Children from Poisonings
These simple steps can help you save children from environmental hazards around the home
Teratogens (What to Avoid During Pregnancy)
Many things can cause physical defects in a developing embryo
The 2009 Redoubt Volcano Eruption
March 22, 2009 Redoubt Volcano produced a series of five explosive eruptions that each lasted from four to thirty minutes.
Three Ways Tenant Screening Improves Your Neighborhood
Improving your neighborhood by screening renters
Toxic Mold Environments: Moisture and My Home
Toxic Mold:Health Risks, Detection, Prevention, and Remediation
Trampoline Safety
Here are the steps you can take to help prevent serious trampoline injuries, especially paralysis, fractures, sprains, and bruis
Wearing a Helmet Can Save Your Life!
Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of a serious head injury and even save your life.
What Is Anthrax?
Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by a spore-forming bacterium called Bacillus anthracis.
What Is Phishing?
Don't reply to email or pop-up messages that ask for personal or financial information.
When CAUGHT in a Winter Storm...
Stay in your car or truck. Disorientation occurs quickly in wind-driven snow and cold.
Winter Storms Deceptive Killers
Everyone is potentially at risk during winter storms.
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Pet Ownership Responsibilities
June3_thResponsibility aspects of pet ownership in an hoa or neighborhood association-methods and ordinances.
How Your Credit Score Affects Your Life
Peoplepaperwork120Your credit rating influences home loans, auto loans, credit cards, insurance, and other important financial concerns.
FLSA for Agricultural Employers
Fieldwork_thApplying the Fair Labor Standards Act to agricultural employment
Protecting the Age Restricted Status of Your Community
Lemonade_thTips on compliance with the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 requirements

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