Safety Resources
- 5 Things To Do in a House Fire
- As soon as you hear a smoke detector go off, smell smoke, or see fire, get out as soon as possible.
- 5 Tips To Prevent Noise Complaints In Your HOA
- 5 tips to prevent noise complaints in your HOA
- Acetaminophen and Liver Injury: Q & A
- Acetaminophen is the generic name of a drug found in many common brand name products such as Tylenol, Vicodin and Percocet
- Addressing Gang Problems Through Strategic Planning
- Using strategic planning to deal with gang problems.
- Anthrax - Exposure, Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment
- Humans can become infected with anthrax by handling products from infected animals or by inhaling anthrax spores.
- Are You Ready for Earthquakes?
- How to be better prepared in an Earthquake
- Are You Ready for Landslides?
- Facts about and how to protect yourself against landslides, mudslides, and debris flows
- Are You Ready for Thunderstorms and Lightning?
- Facts about Thunder and Lightning and how to protect against them
- Are You Ready for Tornadoes?
- Important facts and how to protect yourself against tornadoes
- Are You Ready for Tsunamis?
- Important facts about and ways to protect yourself from Tsunamis
- Be Proactive and Improve Neighborhood Safety
- Increase Safety and Security While away from your Home with Spike Strips
- Bullying Prevention Program
- Description of bullying behavior and its effects and the Olweus program for containing it.
- Child Safety Seats (Car Seats)
- Safety belts are designed for adults, and children under 4 feet 9 inches tall should ride with a booster seat.
- Civil Remedies for Gang-Related Harm
- Using small claims and landlord-tenant courts to deal with gang issues.
- Computer Identity Theft
- How to protect against computer identity theft.
- Computer Safety in the Modern Age
- How to keep your computer safe from viruses, spyware, and email hoaxes.
- Creating A Disaster Supplies Kit
- How to prepare a disaster supply kit for your home, office, and car.
- Creating A Fire Defensible Space
- Wildfires are among the nation�s growing natural hazards.
- EPA Asbestos Guide
- Comprehensive EPA guide to asbestos
- Emergency Planning Checklists
- Checklist planning help for all types of emergencies
- Floods
- How to be prepared for a flood and also what to do during and after a flood.
- Halloween Safety Tips
- Tips can protect children who plan to go trick-or-treating this Halloween.
- Handling Serious Juvenile Offenders
- What works and doesn't work in dealing with serious juvenile offenders.'
- Help Your Kids Stay Safe Online
- Protect your children by teaching them how to stay safe and secure online.
- Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
- Safety tips for all types of holiday decorations: trees, indoor and outdoor lights, candles, and fireplaces
- Home Fire Safety
- Staying safe before, during, and after a house fire
- Home Security Basics-A Short Guide
- Basics of Homeowner Security and Safety.
- How Can My Community Prevent Child Abuse?
- Tips to educate individuals and communities about how to prevent child abuse and neglect.
- How to Prevent House Fires
- There are several things you can do to prepare and prevent disaster from striking your home.
- How to deal with noise complaints in your HOA
- Noise complaints can be a headache for everyone involved.
- Human Pandemic - Government Food Services
- Responding to a human pandemic will likely require communities to try and keep people from gathering in groups.
- Hurricane Readiness
- Facts about and ways to protect yourself and your property from hurricanes
- Ingested Magnets - Serious Intestinal Injuries
- Small magnets can kill children if two or more are swallowed.
- Inspecting for Possible Home Earthquake Hazards
- Tips on making your home earthquake safe.
- Lightning Safety
- On average, only floods kill more people. Lightning makes every single thunderstorm a potential killer.
- McGruff the Crime Dog's 30th Anniversary 1980 - 2010
- "Taking A Bite Out Of Crime" for the last 30 years.
- Migraine Headaches
- Migraine is three times more common in women than in men.
- National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Victims of violence often suffer in silence, not knowing where to turn, with little or no guidance and support.
- No Child Left Behind and School Safety
- Why No School Left Behind will make schools safer and more drug-free
- Prepare for Winter Storms and Extreme Cold
- Tips for preparing for winter storms and cold in your home and car
- Preventing Dog Bites
- Each year, 800,000 Americans seek medical attention for dog bites.
- Preventing Identity Theft
- Detailed discussion of how it can happen to you and what to do if it does-many useful links as well.
- Project Safe Neighborhoods
- Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a nationwide commitment to reducing gun crime
- Protecting Homeowner Personal Information
- How prepared is your association or your management company in today's high technology world of information?
- Protecting Your Home From Burglars-Some Tips
- Best methods of protecting your home from burglars in various situations and scenarios.
- Rabid Animals In Your Neighborhood
- Although people usually associate rabies with dogs, rabies today is more likely to be found in cats.
- Red River Flooding
- Red River Flooding typically occurs between the months of March, April and May.
- Safety Recalls
- When buying a used vehicle or other second-hand product check to make sure it hasn't been the subject of a product recall-two links to gov't websites.
- Safety at Home
- Great safety tips for home-how to prevent poisonings, falls, fires, suffocation and other mishaps including keeping your home safe from intruders.
- Securing Your Wireless Network
- A wireless network can connect computers in different parts of your home or business without a tangle of cords.
- September is Baby Safety Month
- Most deaths are associated with cribs, baby baths/bath seats, and playpens.
- Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion
- It occurs when the body becomes unable to control its temperature: the body's temperature rises rapidly...
- Soft Bedding May Be Hazardous To Babies
- Great recommendations on safe bedding practices when putting infants down to sleep.
- State DUI Laws
- Every state has "Implied Consent" laws.
- Strings, Cords, etc. Can Be Hazardous To Infants
- Never tie pacifiers, necklaces, toys, or other items around a child's neck.
- Ten Tips to Protect Children from Poisonings
- These simple steps can help you save children from environmental hazards around the home
- Teratogens (What to Avoid During Pregnancy)
- Many things can cause physical defects in a developing embryo
- The 2009 Redoubt Volcano Eruption
- March 22, 2009 Redoubt Volcano produced a series of five explosive eruptions that each lasted from four to thirty minutes.
- Three Ways Tenant Screening Improves Your Neighborhood
- Improving your neighborhood by screening renters
- Toxic Mold Environments: Moisture and My Home
- Toxic Mold:Health Risks, Detection, Prevention, and Remediation
- Trampoline Safety
- Here are the steps you can take to help prevent serious trampoline injuries, especially paralysis, fractures, sprains, and bruis
- Wearing a Helmet Can Save Your Life!
- Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of a serious head injury and even save your life.
- What Is Anthrax?
- Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by a spore-forming bacterium called Bacillus anthracis.
- What Is Phishing?
- Don't reply to email or pop-up messages that ask for personal or financial information.
- When CAUGHT in a Winter Storm...
- Stay in your car or truck. Disorientation occurs quickly in wind-driven snow and cold.
- Winter Storms Deceptive Killers
- Everyone is potentially at risk during winter storms.
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