Top 10 States Receiving Government Earmarks


In fiscal year 2008, there were 11,524 earmarks totaling $16,501,833,000

An earmark is government money that is given to a specific recipient or a specific named project without the recipient having to compete, bid, or qualify for the money, as would normally be required to receive government funding. 

Note:  This Top 10 list is determined by the amount of money per capita each state received.  California and Texas received more money than Alaska but considering the small population in Alaska, it received more money per capita. 

  1.  Alaska
     Earmark Money Received: $379,699,715
     Earmark$/Capita: $555.54
  2.  Hawaii
     Earmark Money Received: $283,149,151
     Earmark$/Capita: $220.63
  3.  North Dakota
     Earmark Money Received: $132,883,420
     Earmark$/Capita: $207.72
  4.  West Virginia
     Earmark Money Received: $325,799,541
     Earmark$/Capita: $179.80
  5.  Mississippi
     Earmark Money Received: $449,883,378
     Earmark$/Capita: $154.13
  6.  Vermont
     Earmark Money Received: $70,631,915
     Earmark$/Capita: $113.69
  7.  South Dakota
     Earmark Money Received: $89,241,281
     Earmark$/Capita: $112.08
  8.  New Mexico
     Earmark Money Received: $205,220,434
     Earmark$/Capita: $104.18
  9.  Montana
     Earmark Money Received: $86,749,151
     Earmark$/Capita: $90.57
  10.  District of Columbia
     Earmark Money Received: $46,126,719
     Earmark$/Capita: $78.41

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