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State Information: VERMONT

Welcome to Vermont! Looking for local information? Take in hometown perspectives from individual neighborhood and HOA websites. Participate in community discussions, get instant real estate values, and view some great photos of Vermont. Explore a map of Vermont, learn about local schools, and review regional sex offender information. Find more resources with nearby cities and counties, and a list of Vermont zip codes. Want to connect with your community? Set up a free HOA or neighborhood website now!

Vermont Profile

In 1609, French explorer Samuel de Champlain came upon a large lake in the area we know today as Vermont and named it after himself. The state's name comes from two French words vert (green) and mont (mountain), which explains Vermont's nickname, the "Green Mountain State." Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys defended their homeland from the British during the Revolutionary War. Vermont is one of the six New England states and became the 14th state in 1791. Some of Vermont's major industries are dairy farming and tourism. One of the most picturesque states, Vermont has millions of visitors each year who come to see the leaves turn colors in the fall and the snow-covered mountains in the winter. The state flower is the red clover and the tree is the sugar maple. Vermont maple syrup is one of the state's most popular products ...Read more here: Vermont - The Green Mountain State

Capital City:
Green Mountain State
Freedom and Unity
March 4, 1791 (14th)
Origin of State's Name:
Based on "verts monts," French for green mountains
Largest City:
Border States:
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York
Land Area:
9,249 sq. mi., 43rd largest
State Bird:
Hermit Thrush
State Flower:
Red Clover (trifolium pratense)
State Tree:
Sugar Maple (acer saccharum)
State Song:
Hail, Vermont

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As the weather begins to get nicer and you take your kiddos to the ponds behind E. Boxborough Drive, or to any pond or lake to... more

Started: February 27th, 03:55 PM

 Looking for a cab service near you? You’re in luck. With the advent of modern technology, it is now easier with... more

Started: October 6th 2023

COMMUNITY MEETING FOR CITY OF WHITTIER VOTERS     We will be having a meeting to discuss reform through direct voter... more

Started: May 2nd 2023

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Cities, Counties, and Zip Codes in Vermont

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Vermont Schools

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Browse all 393 Schools in Vermont

Elementary Schools

Rutland Central S.U.
(802) 775-4342
257 South Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Reading Elementary School
(802) 484-7230
632 Vt Rt 106
Reading, VT 05062

Middle Schools

Thomas Fleming School
(802) 878-1381
Prospect Street
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Lamoille Union Middle School
(802) 888-4261
736 Vt Route 15 West
Hyde Park, VT 05655

High Schools

Mill River Usd #40
(802) 775-3451
Middle Road
North Clarendon, VT 05759
Champlain Valley Uhsd #15
(802) 482-7100
396 Cvu Road
Hinesburg, VT 05461

Sex Offender Information for Vermont

For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.

In Vermont, the registered sex offenders can be found at Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.

For more information check out the resources listed below:

Map of Vermont

Vermont Links

Zip Code Profiler

Neighborhoods, Home Values, Schools, City & State Data, Sex Offender Lists, more.

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