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Thrifty Guide
Do You Qualify for an FHA Loan?
0403 What is an FHA loan, and who qualifies for one?
Using Grocery Coupons Effectively to Save Money
Couponthumb Learning how to use coupons effectively can save your family hundreds of dollars each year.
The 2009 Stimulus Package Explained
Moneythumb All the details on the 2009 Stimulus package and how to get your piece of the pie.
5 Tips For Improving Your Credit Score
Cc4thumb Understand how your credit score works along with 5 great tips for improving your credit score
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Resource Guide
Why Are My Floors Cold?
Wind_thTips for figuring out why floors are cold
When CAUGHT in a Winter Storm...
2004winterstormthumbStay in your car or truck. Disorientation occurs quickly in wind-driven snow and cold.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breastcancerawareness_a155Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among females in the United States.
Shopping for Energy-Efficient Appliances and Home Electronics
Star_thGuidlines and Info on Buying Energy Efficient Appliances and Home Electronics.

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