School Profile: Concepcion Perez Hernandez
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Concepcion Perez Hernandez is located at Carr 149 Km 5 Hm 5 Ramal Santa, Ciales, PR 00638. The contact phone number is (787) 871-6090. It has a student/teacher ratio of 9.60.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: KG - 6
- Students: 192
- Teachers (FTE): 20
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.60
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Concepcion Perez Hernandez
Nearby Schools
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- (787) 871-1002
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- (787) 871-3306
- Middle Schools
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- Calle Extension Corchado Bo Pu
- Ciales, PR 00638
- (787) 871-3165
- Juan Rios Serpa
- Calle Corchado Extension
- Ciales, PR 00638
- (787) 871-3225
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- Carr 53 Km 1 Hm 5 Sect Barranc
- Arecibo, PR 00638
- (787) 880-0757
- High Schools
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- Carr 130 Km 11 Hm 3 Bo Campo A
- Hatillo, PR 00638
- (787) 898-6911
- Other Schools
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- Po Box 1412
- Ciales, PR 00638
- (787) 871-4692
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- Carr 146 Km 14 Hm 6 Sec Sabana
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- Other Schools
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- Carr 149 Ramal 615 Km 7 Hm 6 B
- Ciales, PR 00638
- (787) 871-4692