School Profile: Rafael De Jesus
Welcome to the school profile for Rafael De Jesus! Looking for local school information?
Rafael De Jesus is located at Calle Pimentel Y Castro, Rio Grande, PR 00745. The contact phone number is (787) 887-2785. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.85.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: KG - 6
- Students: 401
- Teachers (FTE): 27
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.85
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Rafael De Jesus
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- Calle 5 Bo Carola
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 887-5150
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- Calle 7 Norte Urb Rio Grande E
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- Rio Grande, PR 00745
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- Middle Schools
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- Carr 959 Km 2 Bo Cienaga Alta
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 887-4410
- Fidelina Melendez Monsanto
- Calle Antonio Rios Lateral 7
- Naguabo, PR 00745
- (787) 874-3315
- Intermedia Bo Palmer
- Po Box 848
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 809-0052
- Jose Santos QuiÑones
- Calle 21 Jardines Palmarejo Bo
- Canovanas, PR 00745
- (787) 876-4493
- Liberata Iraldo (Nueva)
- Calle Main Urb Alturas De Rio
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 888-3534
- Lola Millan Orellano
- Carr 3 Int 956 Bo Guzman Abajo
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 887-4574
- High Schools
- Superior Vocacional
- 58b Calle Carreras Parque Indu
- Humacao, PR 00745
- (787) 852-1315
- Other Schools
- Su Rafael Rexach DueÑo
- Calle Principal Bo Palmer
- Rio Grande, PR 00745
- (787) 887-2720
- Su Rosa Maria Rosario De Leon
- Carr 3 Ramal 906 Km 8 Hm 0
- Humacao, PR 00745
- (787) 850-1474