School Profile: Nelida Melendez Melendez
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Nelida Melendez Melendez is located at Carr 155 Int Ave Luis M Marin, Orocovis, PR 00703. The contact phone number is (787) 867-2840. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.79.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: KG - 6
- Students: 550
- Teachers (FTE): 43
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.79
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Nelida Melendez Melendez
Nearby Schools
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- Primary Schools
- Dr Gustavo MuÑoz Diaz
- Calle Ramon Rosa Final
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-6261
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- Carr 156 Km 52 Hm 2 Bo Caguita
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-3421
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- Carr 797 Km 2 Hm 4 Bo. Jagueye
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 747-5895
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- Carr 156 Ramal 777 Bo Caguitas
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
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- Carr 173 Km 2 Hm 8 Bo. Jagueye
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
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- Carr. 174 Km 21 Hm 5 Bo Mula
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
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- Carr 156 Ramal 790 Bo, Mulitas
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-4747
- Ramon Luis Rivera
- Carr 156 Ramal 790 Ext. 7790,
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-4084
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- Urb La Plata 11 Calle Jade
- Cayey, PR 00703
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- Middle Schools
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- Ave Antonio R Barcelo
- Cayey, PR 00703
- (787) 738-3745
- High Schools
- Josefa Pastrana
- Calle Dr Pio Rechani
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-3375
- Miguel Melendez MuÑoz
- Ave Antonio R Barcelo Frente C
- Cayey, PR 00703
- (787) 738-3078
- Other Schools
- Su Bayamoncito
- Carr 156 Km 42 Hm 3, Bo. Bayam
- Aguas Buenas, PR 00703
- (787) 732-0440