School Profile: Monserrate Leon Irizarry
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Monserrate Leon Irizarry is located at Carr 101 Km 18 Hm 2, Cabo Rojo, PR 00610. The contact phone number is (787) 255-2720. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.59.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Department Of Education
- Grade Range: 10 - 12
- Students: 448
- Teachers (FTE): 27
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.59
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Monserrate Leon Irizarry
Nearby Schools
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- Primary Schools
- Ana Javariz
- Carr.107 Urb. El Prado
- Aguadilla, PR 00610
- (787) 891-2260
- Antonio Gonzalez Suarez
- Carr. 402, Km. 6 Bo. Daguey
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-3625
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- Carr 348 Sector Poblado Rosari
- San German, PR 00610
- (787) 267-6662
- Espino
- Carr.109 Km.5 Hm.0 Bo Espino
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-3380
- Mariana Bracetti
- Carr.402 Km.5 Hm.5 Bo. Pinales
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-3040
- Ovejas
- Carr. 430 Km. 3 Hm. 3 Bo.Oveja
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-1330
- Parcelas Maria
- Carr.402 Km.5 Bo. Maria
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-2266
- Quebrada Larga
- Carr. 110 Km.1.5 Hm.5 Bo. Queb
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-5080
- Middle Schools
- Alcides Figueroa
- Calle Maria Monagas
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-2195
- Isabel Suarez
- Calle 65 Infanteria
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-2575
- Other Schools
- Su Playa
- Carr. 115 Bo. Playa
- A¥Asco, PR 00610
- (787) 826-3284