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Chabot Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Chabot Elementary

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Chabot Elementary is located at 6686 Chabot Rd., Oakland, CA 94618-1641. The contact phone number is (510) 879-1060. It has a student/teacher ratio of 19.54.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Oakland Unified
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 469
  • Teachers (FTE): 24
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 19.54
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Chabot Elementary

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Primary Schools
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100 Lake Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2686
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4803 Lawton Ave.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-1150
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2800 Forest Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705
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1800 Oakland Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2680
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30 Marguerite Dr.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 879-1270
Joaquin Miller Elementary
5525 Ascot Dr.
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 879-1420
John Muir Elementary
2955 Claremont Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 644-6410
Kaiser Elementary
25 South Hill Ct.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 879-1710
Leconte Elementary
2241 Russell St.
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 644-6290
Montclair Elementary
1757 Mountain Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 879-1430
North Oakland Community Charter
410 Alcatraz Ave.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 655-0540
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460 63rd St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-1450
Piedmont Avenue Elementary
4314 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611
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Sankofa Academy
581 61st St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-1610
Thornhill Elementary
5880 Thornhill Dr.
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 879-1570
Washington Elementary
2300 Martin Luther King Jr. Wa
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 644-6310
Wildwood Elementary
301 Wildwood Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2780
Middle Schools
Claremont Middle
5750 College Ave.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 879-2010
Montera Middle
5555 Ascot Dr.
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 879-2110
Piedmont Middle
740 Magnolia Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2668
Willard Middle
2425 Stuart St.
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 644-6330
High Schools
Berkeley Alternative High
2701 Martin Luther King Jr. Wa
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 644-6159
Berkeley High
1980 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 644-6120
Millennium High (Alternative)
800 Magnolia Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2703
Oakland Technical High
4351 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 879-3050
Piedmont High
800 Magnolia Ave.
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 594-2626
Street Academy (Alternative)
417 29th St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-3130
Other Schools
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4521 Webster St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-2140
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5263 Broadway Terr.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 879-1580
Other Schools
Washington Elementary
581 61st St.
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 879-1620
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