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Serrano Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Serrano Elementary

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Serrano Elementary is located at 17741 Serrano Ave., Villa Park, CA 92861-1213. The contact phone number is (714) 997-6275. It has a student/teacher ratio of 23.43.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Orange Unified
  • Grade Range: KG - 6
  • Students: 492
  • Teachers (FTE): 21
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 23.43
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Serrano Elementary

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Primary Schools
California Elementary
1080 North California St.
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 997-6104
Chapman Hills Elementary
170 North Aspen St.
Orange, CA 92669
(714) 532-8043
Esplanade Elementary
381 North Esplanade St.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6157
Fletcher Elementary
515 West Fletcher St.
Orange, CA 92665
(714) 997-6181
Handy Elementary
860 North Handy St.
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 997-6183
Jordan Elementary
4319 East Jordan Ave.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6187
La Veta Elementary
2800 East La Veta Ave.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6155
Linda Vista Elementary
1200 North Cannon St.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6201
Mcpherson Magnet
333 South Prospect St.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6384
Parkside Prek Sdc
2345 East Palmyra Ave.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6202
Prospect Elementary
379 North Virage St.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6271
Villa Park Elementary
10551 Center Dr.
Villa Park, CA 92861
(714) 997-6281
Middle Schools
Cerro Villa Middle
17852 East Serrano Ave.
Villa Park, CA 92861
(714) 997-6251
Santiago Middle
515 North Rancho Santiago Blvd
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6366
Yorba Middle
935 North Cambridge
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 997-6161
High Schools
El Modena High
3920 Spring St.
Orange, CA 92869
(714) 997-6240
Orange High
525 North Shaffer St.
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 997-6211
Richland Continuation High
615 North Lemon St.
Orange, CA 92867
(714) 997-6167
Villa Park High
18042 Taft Ave.
Villa Park, CA 92861
(714) 532-8020
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