School Profile: Curie Elementary
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Curie Elementary is located at 4080 Governor Dr., San Diego, CA 92122-2523. The contact phone number is (858) 453-4184. It has a student/teacher ratio of 19.04.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in San Diego.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: San Diego Unified
- Grade Range: KG - 5
- Students: 594
- Teachers (FTE): 31.2
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 19.04
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Curie Elementary
Nearby Schools
View all schools in San Diego
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- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 496-8110
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- San Diego, CA 92117
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- La Jolla, CA 92037
- (858) 453-2323
- Whitman Elementary
- 4050 Appleton St.
- San Diego, CA 92117
- (858) 273-2700
- Middle Schools
- Kroc Middle
- 5050 Conrad Ave.
- San Diego, CA 92117
- (858) 496-8150
- Marston Middle
- 3799 Clairemont Dr.
- San Diego, CA 92117
- (858) 273-2030
- Montgomery Middle
- 2470 Ulric St.
- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 496-8330
- Muirlands Middle
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- La Jolla, CA 92037
- (858) 459-4211
- Standley Middle
- 6298 Radcliffe Dr.
- San Diego, CA 92122
- (858) 455-0550
- High Schools
- Clairemont Senior High
- 4150 Ute Dr.
- San Diego, CA 92117
- (858) 273-0201
- La Jolla Senior High
- 750 Nautilus St.
- La Jolla, CA 92037
- (858) 454-3081
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- San Diego, CA 92111
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- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 496-8370
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- Other Schools
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- (858) 496-8205
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- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 292-3774
- San Diego Metropolitan Regional Career & Technical
- 7250 Mesa College Dr.
- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 496-1847
- Whittier/Del Sol Academy
- 3401 Clairemont Dr.
- San Diego, CA 92117
- (858) 490-2770
- Other Schools
- Kearny Senior High
- 7651 Wellington St.
- San Diego, CA 92111
- (858) 496-8370