School Profile: Pinon Mesa Middle
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Pinon Mesa Middle is located at 9298 Sheep Creek Rd., Phelan, CA 92329-6000. The contact phone number is (760) 868-3126. It has a student/teacher ratio of 21.84.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Snowline Joint Unified
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 974
- Teachers (FTE): 44.6
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.84
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Pinon Mesa Middle
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Phelan
- Primary Schools
- Baldy Mesa Elementary
- 10376 Baldy Mesa Rd.
- Phelan, CA 92329
- (760) 949-1232
- Baldy View Elementary
- 979 West 11th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 982-2564
- Cabrillo Elementary
- 1562 West 11th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 985-2619
- Citrus Elementary
- 925 West Seventh St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7731
- Foothill Knolls Elementary
- 1245 Veterans Ct.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7740
- Magnolia Elementary
- 465 West 15th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7750
- Sierra Vista Elementary
- 253 East 14th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7780
- Sycamore Elementary
- 1075 West 13th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 982-0347
- Upland Elementary
- 444 East 11th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7800
- Valencia Elementary
- 541 West 22nd St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7830
- Middle Schools
- Pioneer Junior High
- 245 West 18th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7770
- Upland Junior High
- 444 East 11th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7810
- High Schools
- Chaparral High
- 9258 Malpaso Rd.
- Phelan, CA 92329
- (760) 868-5400
- Serrano High
- 9292 Sheep Creek Rd.
- Phelan, CA 92329
- (760) 868-3222
- Upland High
- 565 East 11th St.
- Upland, CA 91785
- (909) 949-7880
- Other Schools
- Desert View Independent
- 3919 Nielson Rd.
- Phelan, CA 92329
- (760) 868-6277