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Jefferson High School Profile

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School Profile: Jefferson High School

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Jefferson High School is located at 2305 Pierce Street, Edgewater, CO 80214-1031. The contact phone number is (303) 982-6062. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.33.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Edgewater.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Jefferson County R 1
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Students: 692
  • Teachers (FTE): 48.3
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.33
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Jefferson High School

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Primary Schools
Academia Ana Marie Sandoval
3655 Wyandot Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 455-9326
Belmar Elementary School
885 South Garrison Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-8210
Brown Elementary School
2550 Lowell Blvd
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 477-1611
Bryant Webster Elementary School
3635 Quivas St
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-3336
Centennial Elementary School
4665 Raleigh Street
Denver, CO 80212
(303) 433-6489
Cheltenham Elementary School
1580 Julian Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 825-3323
Colfax Elementary School
1526 Tennyson Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 623-6148
Columbian Elementary School
2925 West 40th Avenue
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-2539
Cowell Elementary School
4540 West 10th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 571-0617
Deane Elementary School
580 South Harlan Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-9623
Del Pueblo Elementary School
750 Galapago
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 629-1473
Dennison Elementary School
401 Independence Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-6356
Denver Arts & Technology Academy
3752 Tennyson Street
Denver, CO 80212
(720) 855-7504
Eagleton Elementary School
880 Hooker Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 623-0181
Edgewater Elementary School
2280 Depew Street
Edgewater, CO 80214
(303) 982-0885
Edison Elementary School
3350 Quitman Street
Denver, CO 80212
(303) 455-3615
Eiber Elementary School
1385 Independence Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-8244
Fairview Elementary School
2715 West 11th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 623-7193
Glennon Heights Elementary School
11025 West Glennon Drive
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-5885
Greenlee/Metro Lab Elementary School
1150 Lipan Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 629-6364
Jefferson County Open Elementary School
7655 West 10th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7026
Kendrick Lakes Elementary School
1350 South Hoyt Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-8321
Lasley Elementary School
1401 South Kendall Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-9667
Lumberg Elementary School
6705 West 22nd Avenue
Edgewater, CO 80214
(303) 982-1844
Molholm Elementary School
6000 West 9th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80214
(303) 982-6230
Patterson Elementary School
1263 South Dudley Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-8437
Remington Elementary School
4735 Pecos Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-6461
Rocky Mountain Deaf School
10700 W. Exposition Dr
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-6725
Slater Elementary School
8605 West 23rd Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7545
Smedley Elementary School
4250 Shoshone Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-3321
South Lakewood Elementary School
8425 West 1st Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-7297
Stein Elementary School
80 South Teller Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-7343
Stober Elementary School
2300 Urban Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7582
Valdez Elementary School
2525 West 29 Avenue
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-2581
Vivian Elementary School
10500 West 25th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7629
Middle Schools
Creighton Middle School
75 Independence Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-6312
Horace Mann Middle School
4130 Navajo Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-2553
Jefferson County Open Junior High School
7655 West 10th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7027
Lake Middle School
1820 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 629-6902
O'connell Middle School
1275 South Teller Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-8383
Skinner Middle School
3435 West 40th Avenue
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-8851
High Schools
Colorado High School
1175 Osage Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 892-8475
Contemporary Learning Academy High School
2211 West 27th Avenue
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 458-6847
Emily Griffith Opportunity School
1250 Welton Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 575-4700
Escuela Tlatelolco Charter School
2949 North Federal Boulevard
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 964-8993
Fred N Thomas Career Education Center
2650 Eliot Street
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 964-3000
Jefferson County Open High School
7655 West 10th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7027
Lakewood High School
9700 West 8th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-7085
Life Skills Center Of Denver
1000 Cherokee
Denver, CO 80204
(720) 423-3200
North High School
2960 North Speer Boulevard
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 964-2700
West High School
951 Elati Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 620-5300
Other Schools
Ace Community Challenge Charter School
948 Santa Fe Drive
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 436-9588
Brady Exploration School
5290 W Ohio Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-6722
Meadowlark Cottage Day Program
110 South Cody Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 232-4448
Miller Special Education
200 Kipling Street
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-7196
P.S.1 Charter School
1080 Delaware Street
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 575-6690
Prep Assessment Center Contemporary Learn
2211 West 27th Avenue North Si
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 964-2981
Other Schools
Baker Middle School
574 West 6th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
(303) 629-6906
Lighthouse Program
1005 Wadsworth Boulevard
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 232-4448
Sams Preschool
Intervention Plaza, Temp 2a, 2
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 982-7270
Sobesky Academy Day Treatment
2001 Hoyt Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 982-5995
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