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Pinnacle Charter High School Profile

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School Profile: Pinnacle Charter High School

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Pinnacle Charter High School is located at 1001 W 84th Avenue, Federal Heights, CO 80260. The contact phone number is (303) 450-3985. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.35.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Adams 12 Five Star Schools
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Students: 200
  • Teachers (FTE): 16.2
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.35
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Pinnacle Charter High School

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Primary Schools
Arapahoe Ridge Elementary School
13095 Pecos Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(720) 972-5740
Baker Elementary School
3555 West 64th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-1121
Beach Court Elementary School
4950 Beach Court
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 455-3607
Berkeley Gardens Elementary School
5301 Lowell Boulevard
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 650-3000
Bertha Heid Clayton Elementary Campus
9100 Poze Boulevard
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 853-1300
Clara E. Metz Elementary School
2341 Sherrelwood Drive
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-1884
Coronado Hills Elementary School
8300 Downing Drive
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-5320
Cotton Creek Elementary School
11100 Vrain Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(720) 972-5340
Crown Pointe Charter Academy
7281 Irving Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-1882
Fairview Elementary School
7826 Fairview Drive
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-1405
Federal Heights Elementary School
2500 W 96th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(720) 972-5360
Flynn Elementary School
8731 Lowell Boulevard
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-2161
Francis M. Day Elementary School
1740 Jordan Drive
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-1330
Gregory Hill Preschool
8030 Irving Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-1560
Harris Park Elementary School
4300 West 75th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-1721
Hillcrest Elementary School
10335 Croke Drive
Northglenn, CO 80221
(720) 972-5380
Mapleton Preschool
602 East 64th Avenue
Denver, CO 80229
(303) 853-1100
Mc Elwain Elementary School
1020 Dawson Drive
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-5500
Meadow Elementary School
9150 Monroe Street
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 853-1500
Mesa Elementary School
9100 Lowell Boulevard
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-2891
Monterey Elementary School
2201 Mc Elwain Boulevard
Denver, CO 80229
(303) 853-1360
North Mor Elementary School
9580 Damon Drive
Northglenn, CO 80221
(720) 972-5540
North Star Elementary School
8740 North Star Drive
Denver, CO 80221
(720) 972-5560
Pinnacle Charter Elementary School
1001 W 84th Avenue
Federal Heights, CO 80260
(303) 450-3985
Rocky Mountain Elementary School
3350 West 99th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80030
(720) 972-5600
Sherrelwood Elementary School
8095 Kalamath Drive
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-5353
Skyline Vista Elementary School
7395 Zuni Street
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-2300
Sunset Ridge Elementary School
9451 Hooker Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 426-8907
Thornton Elementary School
900 Eppinger Boulevard
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-5660
Valley View Elementary
660 West 70th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1560
Vista Grande Elementary School
8845 Wagner Drive
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 429-8081
Western Hills Elementary School
7700 Delta Street
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1400
Westminster Elementary School
7482 Irving Street
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-2494
Westminster Hills Elementary School
4105 West 80th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-2511
Westview Elementary School
1300 Roseanna Drive
Northglenn, CO 80234
(720) 972-5680
Middle Schools
Clear Lake Middle School
1940 Elmwood Lane
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-7526
Huron Middle School
10900 North Huron Street
Northglenn, CO 80234
(720) 972-5000
J. Hodgkins Middle School
3475 West 67th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-7503
John Dewey Middle School
7480 Conifer Road
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1700
M. Scott Carpenter Middle School
7001 Lipan Street
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-8583
Niver Creek Middle School
9450 Pecos Street
Denver, CO 80221
(720) 972-5120
Pinnacle Charter Middle School
1001 W 84th Avenue
Federal Heights, CO 80260
(303) 450-3985
Shaw Heights Middle School
8780 Circle Drive
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-9533
Thornton Middle School
9451 Hoffman Way
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-5160
York Middle School
9200 York Street
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 853-1600
High Schools
Hidden Lake High School
7300 Lowell Boulevard
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-2600
Iver C. Ranum High School
2401 West 80th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 428-9577
New America School
550 E Thornton Parkway
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 320-9854
Northglenn High School
601 West 100th Place
Northglenn, CO 80221
(720) 972-4600
Skyview Academy High School
8990 York Street
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 853-1900
Skyview Big Picture High School
660 W 70th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1960
Skyview Early College High School
660 W 70th Avenue
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1960
Skyview High School
89000 York Street
Thornton, CO 80229
(303) 853-1200
Skyview New Technology High School
1200 E 78th Avenue
Denver, CO 80229
(303) 853-1660
Thornton High School
9351 North Washington Street
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-4800
Vantage Point
455 East Eppinger Boulevard
Thornton, CO 80229
(720) 972-5800
Westminster High School
4276 West 68th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80030
(303) 428-9541
Other Schools
Academy Of Charter Schools
601 East 64th Avenue
Denver, CO 80229
(303) 289-8088
Skyview Expeditionary Learning School
7480 Conifer Road
Denver, CO 80221
(303) 853-1930
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