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Bolton Center School Profile

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School Profile: Bolton Center School

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Bolton Center School is located at 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT 06043-7498. The contact phone number is (860) 643-2411. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.10.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Bolton
  • Grade Range: KG - 9
  • Students: 694
  • Teachers (FTE): 43.1
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.10
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Bolton Center School

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Primary Schools
Andover Elementary School
35 School Rd.
Andover, CT 06232
(860) 742-7339
Center Road School
20 Center Rd.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6300
Coventry Early Education Development (Ceed)
1171 Main Street
Coventry, CT 06238
(860) 742-4530
Coventry Grammar School
3453 Main St.
Coventry, CT 06238
(860) 742-7313
George Hersey Robertson School
227 Cross St.
Coventry, CT 06238
(860) 742-7341
Gilead Hill School
580 Gilead St.
Hebron, CT 06248
(860) 228-9458
Hebron Elementary School
92 Church St.
Hebron, CT 06248
(860) 228-9465
Highland Park School
397 Porter St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3430
Keeney School
179 Keeney St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3354
Lake Street School
201 Lake St.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6085
Manchester Head Start
57 Hollister St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3501
Maple Street School
20 Maple St.
Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 870-6175
Martin School
140 Dartmouth Road
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3367
Nathan Hale School
160 Spruce St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3346
Northeast School
69 East St.
Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 870-6080
Robertson School
65 North School St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3372
Skinner Road School
90 Skinner Rd.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6180
Verplanck School
126 Olcott St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3383
Waddell School
163 Broad St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3392
Washington School
94 Cedar St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3332
Middle Schools
Bennet Middle School
1151 Main St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3571
Capt. Nathan Hale School
1776 Main St.
Coventry, CT 06238
(860) 742-7334
Illing Middle School
227 East Middle Tpke.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3400
Odyssey Community School
579 West Middle Turnpi
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 645-1234
Rham Middle School
25 Rham Rd.
Hebron, CT 06248
(860) 228-9423
Vernon Center Middle School
777 Hartford Tpke.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6070
High Schools
Bolton High School
72 Brandy St.
Bolton, CT 06043
(860) 643-2768
Coventry High School
78 Ripley Hill Rd.
Coventry, CT 06238
(860) 742-7346
Howell Cheney Technical High School
791 West Middle Tpke.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 649-5396
Manchester High School
134 East Middletpke.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3530
Manchester Regional Academy
665 Wetherell St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3495
Rham High School
85 Wall Street
Hebron, CT 06248
(860) 228-9474
Rockville High School
70 Loveland Hill
Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 870-6050
Other Schools
Bowers School
141 Princeton St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3313
Buckley School
250 Vernon St.
Manchester, CT 06040
(860) 647-3302
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