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Mckinley School Profile

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School Profile: Mckinley School

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Mckinley School is located at 345 Logan St., Bridgeport, CT 06607-1935. The contact phone number is (203) 576-8037. It has a student/teacher ratio of 24.85.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Bridgeport
  • Grade Range: PK - 7
  • Students: 420
  • Teachers (FTE): 16.9
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 24.85
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Mckinley School

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Primary Schools
Beardsley School
500 Huntington Rd.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7184
Classical Studies Academy
240 Linwood Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 576-7188
Edison School
115 Boston Terrace
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7183
Franklin School
1895 Barnum Ave.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4190
Garfield School
655 Stillman St.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 576-7558
Hall School
290 Clermont Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7560
Lordship School
254 Crown St.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4170
Madison School
376 Wayne St.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 576-7186
New Beginnings Inc., Family Academy
510 Barnum Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 336-9852
Newfield School
405 Newfield Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06607
(203) 576-7447
Second Hill Lane School
65 Second Hill Ln.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4292
Six Six Magnet School
601 Pearl Harbor St.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 330-6775
Stratford Academy
719 Birdseye St.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4180
Waltersville School
95 Gilmore St.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 576-7556
Webster School
1375 North Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 576-7505
Whitney School
1130 Huntington Rd.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4198
Wilcoxson School
600 Wilcoxson Ave.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4196
Middle Schools
David Wooster Middle School
150 Lincoln St.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4275
High Schools
Bridgeport Community Correctional Center
1106 North Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 579-6131
Bullard Havens Technical High School
500 Palisade Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 579-6333
Harding High School
1734 Central Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7330
Stratford High School
45 North Parade
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4230
The Bridge Academy
24 Rope Ferry Road
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 336-9999
Other Schools
Barnum School
529 Noble Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 576-7510
Columbus School
275 George St.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 576-7578
Curiale School
300 Laurel Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 576-8437
Dunbar School
445 Union Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06607
(203) 576-7194
High Horizons School
700 Palisade Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7807
Hooker School
138 Roger Williams Rd.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7185
Luis Munoz Marin School
479 Helen St.
Bridgeport, CT 06608
(203) 576-8202
Multicultural Magnet School
700 Palisade Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06610
(203) 576-7505
Parent Children Program
948 Main Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 332-2830
Roosevelt School
680 Park Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 576-8032
The University School
136 Lafayette Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
(203) 579-0434
Other Schools
Center School
55 Sutton Ave.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 385-4194
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