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East Windsor Middle School Profile

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School Profile: East Windsor Middle School

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East Windsor Middle School is located at 38 Main St., Broad Brook, CT 06016-9602. The contact phone number is (860) 623-4488. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.99.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Broad Brook.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: East Windsor
  • Grade Range: 2 - 12
  • Students: 446
  • Teachers (FTE): 27.9
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.99
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of East Windsor Middle School

Nearby Schools

View all schools in Broad Brook

Primary Schools
Broad Brook Elementary School
14 Rye St.
East Windsor, CT 06016
(860) 623-2433
Center School
49 Main St.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2315
Eli Terry School
569 Griffin Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5020
Orchard Hill School
350 Foster St.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5015
Windermere School
2 Abbott Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2329
Middle Schools
Ellington Middle School
46 Middle Butcher Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2339
Timothy Edwards School
100 Arnold Way
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5030
High Schools
East Windsor High School
76 South Main St.
East Windsor, CT 06088
(860) 623-3361
Ellington High School
37 Maple St.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2352
South Windsor High School
161 Nevers Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5000
Other Schools
Connecticut Children's Place
36 Gardner St.
East Windsor, CT 06088
(860) 292-4048
Crystal Lake School
284 Sandy Beach Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2322
Philip R. Smith School
949 Avery St.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5025
Pleasant Valley School
591 Ellington Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 291-1280
Wapping Elementary School
91 Ayers Rd.
South Windsor, CT 06074
(860) 648-5010
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