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Birch Grove Primary School Profile

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School Profile: Birch Grove Primary School

Welcome to the school profile for Birch Grove Primary School! Looking for local school information?

Birch Grove Primary School is located at 247 Rhodes Rd., Tolland, CT 06084. The contact phone number is (860) 870-6750. It has a student/teacher ratio of 21.66.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Tolland.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Tolland
  • Grade Range: PK - 9
  • Students: 1031
  • Teachers (FTE): 47.6
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.66
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Birch Grove Primary School

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20 Center Rd.
Vernon, CT 06066
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Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 870-6080
Parker Memorial School
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Tolland, CT 06084
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Skinner Road School
90 Skinner Rd.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6180
Windermere School
2 Abbott Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
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Middle Schools
Ellington Middle School
46 Middle Butcher Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2339
Hall Memorial School
111 River Rd.
West Willingto, CT 06279
(860) 429-9391
Tolland Middle School
96 Old Post Rd.
Tolland, CT 06084
(860) 875-2564
Vernon Center Middle School
777 Hartford Tpke.
Vernon, CT 06066
(860) 870-6070
High Schools
Ellington High School
37 Maple St.
Ellington, CT 06029
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Rockville High School
70 Loveland Hill
Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 870-6050
Tolland High School
1 Eagle Hill Rd.
Tolland, CT 06084
(860) 870-6860
Other Schools
Crystal Lake School
284 Sandy Beach Rd.
Ellington, CT 06029
(860) 896-2322
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