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Smith School Profile

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School Profile: Smith School

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Smith School is located at 64 St. James St., West Hartford, CT 06119-2325. The contact phone number is (860) 236-3317. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.93.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: West Hartford
  • Grade Range: PK - 6
  • Students: 433
  • Teachers (FTE): 29
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.93
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Smith School

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195 Putnam St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-2980
Dr. Ramon E. Betances School
42 Charter Oak Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-2840
Duffy School
95 Westminster St.
West Hartford, CT 06107
(860) 521-0110
Hooker School
200 Sherbrooke Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-3760
Kinsella School
65 Van Block Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-4140
Mcdonough School
111 Hillside Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-4260
Montessori Magnet School
1460 Broad St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 757-6100
Morley School
77 Bretton Rd.
West Hartford, CT 06119
(860) 233-8535
Moylan School
101 Catherine St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-4500
Parkville Community School
1755 Park St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-4720
Sanchez School
176 Babcock St.
Hartford, CT 06106
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West Middle School
927 Asylum Ave.
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 695-5480
Whiting Lane School
47 Whiting Ln.
West Hartford, CT 06119
(860) 233-8541
Middle Schools
Hartford Magnet Middle School
53 Vernon St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 757-6200
Sedgwick Middle School
128 Sedgwick Rd.
West Hartford, CT 06107
(860) 521-0610
High Schools
A. I. Prince Technical High School
500 Brookfield St.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 951-7112
Conard High School
110 Berkshire Rd.
West Hartford, CT 06107
(860) 521-1350
Hartford Public High School
55 Forest St.
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 695-1300
Other Schools
Batchelder School
757 New Britain Ave.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 695-2720
Braeburn School
45 Braeburn Rd.
West Hartford, CT 06107
(860) 561-2200
C. R. E. C. Special Education
111 Charter Oak Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 247-2732
Greater Hartford Classical Magnet School
55 Forest Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 278-5920
Hartford Transitional Learning Academy (Seco
110 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 722-8795
Little Owls Learning Center
55 Forest St.
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 527-0742
Noah Webster Micro Society School
5 Cone St.
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 523-4218
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