School Profile: Eagle Academy Public Charter School Pcs
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Eagle Academy Public Charter School Pcs is located at 770 M Street, Se, Washington, DC 20003. The contact phone number is (202) 544-2646. It has a student/teacher ratio of 16.88.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Washington.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Eagle Academy Public Charter School Agy
- Grade Range: PK - KG
- Students: 135
- Teachers (FTE): 8
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.88
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Eagle Academy Public Charter School Pcs
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Washington
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- (202) 488-9390
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- Washington, DC 20003
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- Middle Schools
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- 770 M Street, Se
- Washington, DC 20003
- (202) 543-6595
- High Schools
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- 1700 E Capitol St Ne
- Washington, DC 20003
- (202) 724-4805
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- 770 M St., Se
- Washington, DC 20003
- (202) 488-1996
- Other Schools
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- 2027 Rhode Island Ave., Ne
- Washington, DC 20003
- (202) 636-3537
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- 745 8th Street, Se
- Washington, DC 20003
- (202) 675-9354