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Kingston Elementary School Profile

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School Profile: Kingston Elementary School

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Kingston Elementary School is located at 240 Hardin Bridge Road, Nw, Kingston, GA 30145-2600. The contact phone number is (770) 606-5850. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.26.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Bartow County
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 573
  • Teachers (FTE): 43.2
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.26
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Kingston Elementary School

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Primary Schools
Adairsville Elementary School
122 King Street
Adairsville, GA 30103
(770) 606-5840
Anna K. Davie Elementary School
301 Nixon Avenue
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 234-4118
Cartersville Elementary School
340 Old Mill Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-0983
Cartersville Primary School
315 Etowah Drive
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-1733
Cloverleaf Elementary School
71 Felton Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5847
East Central Elementary School
1502 Dean Avenue
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 232-8310
Euharlee Elementary School
1058 Euharlee Road
Kingston, GA 30145
(770) 606-5872
Hamilton Crossing Elementary School
116 Hamilton Crossing Road, Nw
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5849
Johnson Elementary
1839 Morrison Campground Road
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1830
Main Elementary School
3 Watters Street
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 295-7180
Mchenry Primary
100 Mchenry Drive, Sw
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1833
Mission Road Elementary School
1100 Mission Road, Sw
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5863
Model Elementary School
3200 Calhoun Highway, Ne
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1827
North Heights Elementary School
26 Atteiram Drive
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 295-4442
Southeast Elementary School
1400 Crane Street
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 232-4913
Stars Preschool Center
1653 Cassville Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5866
Taylorsville Elementary School
1502 Old Alabama Road, Sw
Taylorsville, GA 30178
(770) 606-5867
Middle Schools
Adairsville Middle School
116 North Franklin
Adairsville, GA 30103
(770) 606-2030
Cartersville Middle School
825 Douthit Ferry Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-3666
Cass Middle School
195 Firetower Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5846
Model Middle School
164 Barron Road Ne
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 290-8150
Rome Middle School
1020 Veteran's Memorial Highwa
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 235-4695
Woodland Middle School At Euharlee
1061 Euharlee Road
Kingston, GA 30145
(770) 606-5871
High Schools
Adairsville High School
519 Old Highway 41
Adairsville, GA 30103
(770) 606-4151
Cartersville High School
320 East Church Street
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-3200
Cass High School
738 Grassdale Road, Nw
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5845
Model 9 12 High School
3252 Calhoun Hwy
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1895
Rome High School
1000 Veteran's Memorial Highwa
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 235-9653
Woodland High School
800 Old Alabama Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5870
Other Schools
Bartow Crossroads Academy
1675 Cassville Road, Nw
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5844
Floyd County Education Center
1910 Morrison Campground Road
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1884
Floyd County Technical High School
100 Vocational Drive, Sw
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 236-1860
Northwest Psychoeducational Program
200 Reece Street
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 291-2625
Rome City Transitional Academy
1162 Spider Web Drive
Rome, GA 30161
(706) 802-4326
Other Schools
Cartersville Intermediate School
Douthit Ferry Road
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 382-5880
New Es #1
65 Gilreath Road, Nw
Cartersville, GA 30120
(770) 606-5800
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