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Shaw High School Profile

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School Profile: Shaw High School

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Shaw High School is located at 7601 Schomburg Road, Columbus, GA 31909-1807. The contact phone number is (706) 569-2567. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.35.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Muscogee County
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Students: 1112
  • Teachers (FTE): 77.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.35
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Shaw High School

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5201 23rd Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
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Blanchard Elementary School
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Columbus, GA 31909
(706) 649-0680
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5801 Armour Road
Columbus, GA 31904
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Dawson Elementary School
180 Northstar Drive
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 685-7619
Dimon Elementary
480 Dogwood Drive
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 685-7624
Double Churches Elementary School
1213 Double Churches Road
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0733
Eastway Elementary School
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Columbus, GA 31907
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Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2509
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6400 Forrest Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2513
Fox Elementary School
600 38th Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0737
Gentian Elementary School
4201 Primrose Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2523
Georgetown Elementary School
954 High Lane
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2527
Johnson Elementary School
3700 Woodlawn Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0765
Reese Road Elementary School
3100 Reese Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2550
River Road Elementary School
516 Heath Drive
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0807
St. Marys Video And Communication Technology
4408 St. Mary's Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 685-7664
Waddell Elementary School
6101 Miller Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2578
Wesley Heights Elementary School
1801 Amber Drive
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2582
Middle Schools
Arnold Middle School
2011 51st Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0670
Blackmon Road Middle School
7251 Blackmon Road
Columbus, GA 31909
(706) 569-2636
Daniel Middle Alternative School
1042 45th Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-7507
Double Churches Middle School
7611 Whitesville Road
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0720
East Columbus Magnet Academy
6100 Georgetown Drive
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 565-7850
Fort Middle School
2900 Woodruff Farm Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2517
Rothschild Middle School
1136 Hunt Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 569-2563
High Schools
Academic And Career Success Center
1112 29th Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0667
Jordan Vocational High School
3200 Howard Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0769
Kendrick High School
6015 Georgetown Drive
Columbus, GA 31907
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Muscogee Evening School
1042 45th Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-1398
Northside High School
2002 American Way
Columbus, GA 31909
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Other Schools
Columbus Regional Youth Detention Center
3902 Schatulga Road
Columbus, GA 31907
(706) 568-2498
Rose Hill Center
435 21st Street
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0933
Teenage Parenting Center At Waverly Terrace
2701 11th Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 641-4171
Woodall Psychoeducational Program
4312 Harrison Avenue
Columbus, GA 31904
(706) 649-0761
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