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Holmes Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Holmes Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for Holmes Elementary! Looking for local school information?

Holmes Elementary is located at 5800 Holmes Ave, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514-1795. The contact phone number is (630) 323-2086. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.54.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Maercker Sd 60
  • Grade Range: PK - 2
  • Students: 435
  • Teachers (FTE): 28
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.54
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Holmes Elementary

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Primary Schools
C E Miller Elementary
125 W Traube Ave
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 468-8300
Concord Elementary
1019 Concord Pl
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 968-3026
El Sierra Elementary
6835 Fairmount Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5825
Elizabeth Ide Elementary
2000 Manning Rd
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 783-5200
Fairmount Elementary
6036 Blodgett Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5830
Fairview Elementary
7301 Fairview Ave
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 969-6660
Field Park Elementary
4335 Howard Ave
Western Springs, IL 60558
(708) 246-7675
Forest Hills Elementary
5020 Central Ave
Western Springs, IL 60558
(708) 246-7678
Hillcrest Elementary
1435 Jefferson Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5840
Indian Trail Elementary
6235 Stonewall Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5845
J T Manning Elementary
200 N Linden Ave
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 468-8050
John Laidlaw Elementary
4072 Forest Ave
Western Springs, IL 60558
(708) 246-7673
Kingsley Elementary
6509 Powell Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5850
Lace Elementary
7414 S Cass Ave
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 968-2589
Madison Elementary
611 S Madison St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 887-1390
Maercker Elementary
5827 S Cass Ave
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 968-6165
Mark Delay School
6801 S Wilmette Ave
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 852-0200
Mcclure Jr High School
4225 Wolf Rd
Western Springs, IL 60558
(708) 246-7590
Monroe Elementary
210 N Madison St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 887-1320
Oak Elementary
950 S Oak St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 887-1330
Prairieview Elementary School
699 Plainfield Rd
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 783-5100
Prospect Elementary
130 N Prospect Ave
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
(630) 887-1420
South Elementary
133 S Grant St
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 468-8400
The Lane Elementary
500 N Elm St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 887-1430
Walker School
120 S Walker Ave
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
(630) 887-1440
Middle Schools
Cass Jr High School
8502 Bailey Rd
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 985-1900
Clarendon Hills Middle School
301 Chicago Ave
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
(630) 887-4260
Eisenhower Jr High School
1410 75th St
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 964-5200
Hinsdale Middle School
100 S Garfield Ave
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 887-1370
Lakeview Jr High School
701 Plainfield Rd
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 985-2700
O Neill Middle School
635 59th St
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 719-5815
Westmont Jr High School
944 N Oakwood Dr
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 468-8200
High Schools
Comm H S Dist 99 South High Sch
1436 Norfolk St
Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 795-8500
Hinsdale Central High School
55th And Grant St
Hinsdale, IL 60521
(630) 570-8000
Hinsdale South High School
7401 Clarendon Hills
Darien, IL 60561
(630) 468-4000
Westmont High School
909 N Oakwood Dr
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 468-8100
Other Schools
Ph Transition House
625 N Cass Unit 116
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 230-9234
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