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Irving Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Irving Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for Irving Elementary! Looking for local school information?

Irving Elementary is located at 805 S 17th Ave, Maywood, IL 60153-1790. The contact phone number is (708) 450-2015. It has a student/teacher ratio of 14.57.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Maywood.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Maywood Melrose Park Broadview 89
  • Grade Range: KG - 8
  • Students: 539
  • Teachers (FTE): 37
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 14.57
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Irving Elementary

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Primary Schools
Alternative Bd/Ed Elementary
1636 S 10th Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 338-3250
Emerson Elementary
311 Washington Blvd
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2002
Garfield Elementary
1514 S 9th Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2009
Lexington Elementary
415 Lexington St
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2030
Lincoln Elementary
811 Chicago Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2036
Paec Education Center Ec
1636 S 10th Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 338-3250
Roosevelt Elementary
1927 S 15th Ave
Broadview, IL 60153
(708) 450-2047
Washington Elementary
1111 Washington Blvd
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2065
High Schools
Alternative Bd/Ed High Sch
1636 S 10th Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-1515
Proviso East High School
807 S 1st Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 344-7000
Other Schools
Family Education Center
1204 Van Buren
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2060
Proviso Area Except Child Center
1000 Van Buren St
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 450-2100
Talents Program East
200 5th Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
(708) 345-6217
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