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Gordon School Profile

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School Profile: Gordon School

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Gordon School is located at 14100 Harrison Ave, Posen, IL 60469-1047. The contact phone number is (708) 388-7202. It has a student/teacher ratio of 21.06.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Posen.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Posen Robbins Esd 143 5
  • Grade Range: KG - 3
  • Students: 379
  • Teachers (FTE): 18
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 21.06
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Gordon School

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Primary Schools
Aldridge Elementary
630 E 131st St
Chicago, IL 60827
(773) 535-5614
Bryant Elementary
147 & Main St
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 331-1390
Burr Oak Academy
1441 W 124th St
Calumet Park, IL 60827
(708) 824-3090
Burr Oak Elementary
1440 W 125th St
Calumet Park, IL 60827
(708) 388-8010
Carver Primary School
901 E 133rd Pl
Chicago, IL 60827
(773) 535-5674
Central Park Elementary
3621 W 151st St
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 385-0045
Childs Elementary
14123 S Lydia Ave
Robbins, IL 60472
(708) 388-7203
Developmental Learning Pgm Dlp
14801 S Turner
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 371-6340
Dubois Elementary
330 E 133rd St
Chicago, IL 60827
(773) 535-5582
Early Childhood Cntr
560 W 144th St
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 841-2602
Elmer G Kich Elementary
191 W 155th Pl
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 225-2205
Gen George Patton Elementary
13700 Stewart Ave
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 841-2420
Holmes Elementary
16000 Carse Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-0440
Horace Mann School
2975 Broadway St
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-2450
Kolmar Elementary
4500 W 143rd St
Crestwood, IL 60445
(708) 385-6747
Lincoln Elementary
2140 Broadway St
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-5370
Lincoln Elementary
141st And Honore
Dixmoor, IL 60426
(708) 597-4160
Lowell Longfellow Elementary
15636 Lexington Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-0478
Markham Park Elementary
16239 Lawndale Ave
Markham, IL 60426
(708) 210-2869
Martin L King Elementary
14600 Seeley Ave
Dixmoor, IL 60426
(708) 385-5400
Maya Angelou Elem Sch
15748 Page St
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-0740
Nathan Hale Primary School
5324 135th St
Crestwood, IL 60445
(708) 385-4690
Pace Primary Garfield School
13801 S Chatham
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 793-3316
Park Elementary School
14200 Wentworth
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 849-9440
Paul Revere Primary School
2300 W 123rd Pl
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 489-3533
Primary Academic Ctr
3055 W 163rd St
Markham, IL 60426
(708) 210-2866
Riley Preschool
16001 Lincoln Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 210-3960
Riverdale School
325 W 142nd St
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 849-7153
Sandburg Elementary
14500 S Myrtle Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-1351
School Dist 133 Annex
150 W 137th St
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 841-3955
Spaulding School
14811 S Turner Ave
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 385-4551
Speed Independence Elem Sch
16121 Central Park
Markham, IL 60426
(708) 596-1952
Springfield Elementary
14620 Springfield Av
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 388-4121
Taft School
393 E 163rd St
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 339-2710
Turner Elementary
3847 W 135th St
Robbins, IL 60472
(708) 388-7205
Washington Elementary
15248 S Lincoln Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-0237
Washington Elementary
13900 School St
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 201-2078
Whittier Elementary
71 E 152nd St
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 331-1130
Ziebell Elementary
149th Rockwell
Posen, IL 60469
(708) 388-7206
Middle Schools
Brooks Middle School
14741 Wallace St
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 333-6390
Calumet Elementary
1440 W Vermont St
Calumet Park, IL 60827
(708) 388-8820
Carver Middle School
801 E 133rd Pl
Chicago, IL 60827
(773) 535-5656
Coolidge Middle School
155th & 7th Ave
Phoenix, IL 60426
(708) 339-5300
Everett F Kerr Middle School
12915 Maple Ave
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-5959
Kellar School
14123 Lydia
Robbins, IL 60472
(708) 388-7201
Nathan Hale Intermediate
5312 135th St
Crestwood, IL 60445
(708) 385-6110
Nathan Hale Middle School
5220 135th St
Crestwood, IL 60445
(708) 385-6690
Pace Jr High St Isidore
12713 S Wood
Calumet Park, IL 60827
(708) 389-1994
Paul Revere Intermediate School
12331 S Gregory St
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-4450
Posen Elementary
14545 California Ave
Posen, IL 60469
(708) 388-7204
Prairie Hills Junior High School
3035 W 163rd St
Markham, IL 60426
(708) 210-2860
Robert Frost Middle School
2206 W 167th St
Markham, IL 60426
(708) 210-9929
Rosa L Parks Middle School
14700 S Robey St
Dixmoor, IL 60426
(708) 371-9575
Veterans Memorial Middle Sch
12320 S Greenwood
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-6630
Whittier Elementary School
13043 Maple Ave
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 385-6170
High Schools
Academy For Learning
13813 Western Ave
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 597-8862
Aspen High School
3940 W Midlothian
Robbins, IL 60472
(708) 371-1880
Bremen High School
15203 Pulaski Rd
Midlothian, IL 60445
(708) 371-3600
Dd Eisenhower High Sch (Campus)
12700 Sacramento Ave
Blue Island, IL 60406
(708) 597-6300
Thornton Township High School
15001 Broadway
Harvey, IL 60426
(708) 225-4101
Other Schools
Pace Elementary
14419 S Atlantic
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 841-0432
Pace Elementary Program
15500 Eighth Ave
Phoenix, IL 60426
(708) 331-0912
Washington Junior High
13900 School St
Riverdale, IL 60827
(708) 201-2078
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