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Adlai E Stevenson High School Profile

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School Profile: Adlai E Stevenson High School

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Adlai E Stevenson High School is located at 1 Stevenson Dr, Lincolnshire, IL 60069-2824. The contact phone number is (847) 634-4000. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.90.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Adlai E Stevenson Hsd 125
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Students: 4510
  • Teachers (FTE): 252
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.90
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Adlai E Stevenson High School

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Primary Schools
Bannockburn Elementary
2165 Telegraph Rd
Bannockburn, IL 60015
(847) 945-5900
Booth Tarkington Elementary
310 Scott St
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2775
Cherokee Elementary
475 Cherokee Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-3805
Earl Pritchett School
200 Horatio Blvd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 353-5700
Eugene Field Elementary
51 St Armand Ln
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2780
Everett Elementary
1111 Everett Sch Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-5713
Half Day School
239 Olde Half Day Rd
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
(847) 634-6463
Hawthorn Aspen Elementary
500 N Aspen Dr
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 990-4300
Hawthorn Elem School North
301 Hawthorn Pkwy
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 990-4500
Hawthorn Elem School South
430 N Aspen Dr
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 990-4800
Hawthorn Middle School North
201 Hawthorn Pkwy
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 990-4400
Hawthorn Townline Elem Sch
810 Aspen Dr
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 918-2170
Henry W Longfellow Elementary
501 S Arlington Hts
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 520-2755
Ivy Hall Elementary School
1072 Ivy Hall Ln
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 459-0022
John Powers Center
201 Hawthorn Pkwy
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 680-8320
Joyce Kilmer Elementary
655 Golfview Ter
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 520-2760
Kipling Elementary
700 Kipling Pl
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 948-5151
Laura B Sprague School
2425 Riverwoods Rd
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
(847) 945-6665
Mark Twain Elementary
515 E Merle Ln
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2785
Prairie Elementary School
1530 Brandywyn Ln
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 634-3144
Rondout Elementary
28593 N Bradley Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 362-2021
Sheridan Elementary
1360 N Sheridan Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-1160
South Park Elementary
1421 Hackberry Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 945-5895
Tripp School
850 Highland Grv
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 955-3600
Walden Elementary
630 Essex Ct
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 945-9660
Walt Whitman Elementary
133 S Wille Ave
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2795
Willow Grove Kindergarten Ctr
777 Checker Dr
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 541-3660
Wilmot Elementary
795 Wilmot Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 945-1075
Middle Schools
Alan B Shepard Middle School
440 Grove Ave
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 948-0620
Aptakisic Junior High School
1231 Weiland Rd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 353-5500
Charles J Caruso Middle School
1801 Montgomery Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 945-8430
Cooper Middle School
1050 Plum Grove Cir
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 520-2750
Daniel Wright Jr High School
1370 Riverwoods Rd
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
(847) 295-1560
Deer Path Middle School
155 W Deerpath
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 604-7400
Hawthorn Middle School South
600 N Aspen Dr
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 816-8317
Jack London Middle School
1001 W Dundee Rd
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2745
Meridian Middle School
2195 Brandywyn
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 955-3500
Oliver W Holmes Middle School
221 S Wolf Rd
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 520-2790
Twin Groves Middle School
2600 N Buffalo Grv
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 821-8946
High Schools
Buffalo Grove High School
1100 W Dundee Rd
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 718-4000
Deerfield High School
1959 Waukegan Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
(224) 632-3000
Lake Forest High School
1285 N Mckinley Rd
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-3600
Vernon Hills High School
145 N Lakeview Pkwy
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
(847) 932-2000
Wheeling High School
900 S Elmhurst Rd
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 718-7000
Other Schools
Deer Path Middle School
95 W Deerpath
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 615-4470
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