School Profile: Highland Elementary
Welcome to the school profile for Highland Elementary! Looking for local school information?
Highland Elementary is located at 319 N High School St, Columbus, KS 66725-1014. The contact phone number is (620) 429-3032. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.76.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Columbus.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Columbus
- Grade Range: 2 - 3
- Students: 139
- Teachers (FTE): 10.1
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.76
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Highland Elementary
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Columbus
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- 9155 Sw 30th Street
- Columbus, KS 66725
- (620) 674-8593
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- 724 E Garfield Street
- Columbus, KS 66725
- (620) 429-3905
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- Riverton, KS 66770
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- 400 E. Katy Street
- Scammon, KS 66773
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- 303 S Humbert
- Weir, KS 66781
- (620) 396-8211
- Middle Schools
- Central Elementary
- 810 S High School Avenue
- Columbus, KS 66725
- (620) 429-3943
- Riverton Middle
- 7144 Se 70th
- Riverton, KS 66770
- (620) 848-3355
- High Schools
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- 124 S High School Avenue
- Columbus, KS 66725
- (620) 429-3821
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- 7120 Se 70th
- Riverton, KS 66770
- (620) 848-3388