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Copeland Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Copeland Elementary

Welcome to the school profile for Copeland Elementary! Looking for local school information?

Copeland Elementary is located at 105 Thatcher, Copeland, KS 67837. The contact phone number is (620) 668-5565. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.84.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Copeland.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Copeland
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 90
  • Teachers (FTE): 7.6
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.84
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Copeland Elementary

Nearby Schools

View all schools in Copeland

Primary Schools
Ingalls Elementary
Bulldog Drive
Ingalls, KS 67853
(620) 335-5134
Montezuma Elementary
103 W. Sunnyside
Montezuma, KS 67867
(620) 846-2283
Plains Elementary
605 West B
Plains, KS 67869
(620) 563-7285
Satanta Elementary
800 Wichita
Satanta, KS 67870
(620) 649-2612
Sublette Elementary
301 Inman
Sublette, KS 67877
(620) 675-2286
Middle Schools
South Gray Jr High
105 Thatcher
Copeland, KS 67837
(620) 668-5565
Sublette Middle
601 Ellis St
Sublette, KS 67877
(620) 675-8504
High Schools
Satanta Jr Sr High
100 Caddo
Satanta, KS 67870
(620) 649-2611
South Gray High
101 S Aztec
Montezuma, KS 67867
(620) 846-2281
Sublette High
501 Ellis St
Sublette, KS 67877
(620) 675-2232
Other Schools
Ingalls High School/Junior High
Bulldog Drive
Ingalls, KS 67853
(620) 335-5135
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