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Hugoton Middle Profile

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School Profile: Hugoton Middle

Welcome to the school profile for Hugoton Middle! Looking for local school information?

Hugoton Middle is located at 115 W 11th, Hugoton, KS 67951-2999. The contact phone number is (620) 544-4341. It has a student/teacher ratio of 9.27.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Hugoton.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Hugoton Public Schools
  • Grade Range: 7 - 8
  • Students: 153
  • Teachers (FTE): 16.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.27
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Hugoton Middle

Nearby Schools

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Primary Schools
Cottonwood Intermediate School
1100 W. 11th
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3832
Garfield Elementary
516 W 1st
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3805
Hooker Es
502 N. Jefferson
Hooker, OK 73945
(580) 652-2463
Hugoton Elementary
304 E 6th
Hugoton, KS 67951
(620) 544-4376
Lincoln Elementary
1002 W 11th
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3806
Macarthur Elementary
925 S Holly
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3807
Mcdermott Elementary
439 S Pennsylvania
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3808
Mckinley Elementary
615 W 7th
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3809
Moscow Elementary
301 High Road
Moscow, KS 67952
(620) 598-2224
Optima Es
Main And Lincoln
Optima, OK 73945
(580) 338-6712
Rolla Elem (K 8)
300 Third Street
Rolla, KS 67954
(620) 593-4731
Tyrone Es
6th And Beatrice
Tyrone, OK 73951
(580) 854-6298
Washington Elementary
840 N Washington
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3811
Middle Schools
Liberal South Middle
950 S Grant Ave
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3803
Liberal West Middle
500 N Western
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3804
Sunflower Intermediate School
310 W. Pine
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3831
High Schools
Hooker Hs
301 N. Broadway
Hooker, OK 73945
(580) 652-2516
Hugoton High
215 W 11th
Hugoton, KS 67951
(620) 544-4311
Liberal Sr High
1611 W 2nd
Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 626-3802
Rolla High (9 12)
203 Van Buren
Rolla, KS 67954
(620) 593-4345
Tyrone Hs
6th And Beatrice
Tyrone, OK 73951
(580) 854-6298
Other Schools
Moscow High
301 High Road
Moscow, KS 67952
(620) 598-2250
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