School Profile: Lakin Middle
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Lakin Middle is located at 1201 W. Kingman, Lakin, KS 67860. The contact phone number is (620) 355-6973. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.21.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Lakin.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Lakin
- Grade Range: 5 - 8
- Students: 181
- Teachers (FTE): 13.7
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.21
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Lakin Middle
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Lakin
- Primary Schools
- Alta Brown Elementary
- 1110 East Pine
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5230
- Buffalo Jones Elementary
- 708 Taylor Ave
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5235
- Deerfield Elementary
- 901 Beech
- Deefield, KS 67838
- (620) 426-8301
- Edith Scheuerman Elementary
- 1901 Wilcox
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5240
- Florence Wilson Elementary
- 1709 Labrador Blvd
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5245
- Garfield Elementary
- 121 West Walnut
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5250
- Georgia Matthews Elementary
- 111 Johnson
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5255
- Gertrude Walker Elementary
- 805 W Fair
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5260
- Jennie Barker Elementary
- 5585 N Jennie Barker Rd
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5290
- Jennie Wilson Elementary
- 1401 E Harding
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5265
- Lakin Elementary
- 407 N Main
- Lakin, KS 67860
- (620) 355-6191
- Pierceville Plymell Elementary
- 20 W Plymell Rd
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5295
- Syracuse Elementary
- 408 N Main
- Syracuse, KS 67878
- (620) 384-5203
- Victor Ornelas Elementary
- 3401 E Spruce
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5270
- Wiley Elementary
- 204 Henderson
- Holcomb, KS 67851
- (620) 277-4431
- Middle Schools
- Abe Hubert Middle School
- 1205 A Street
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5200
- Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Ctr
- 3101 N Belmont
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5345
- Charles O Stones Intermediate Ctr
- 401 N Jennie Barker Rd
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5365
- Deerfield Middle School
- 803 Beech
- Deerfield, KS 67838
- (620) 426-8401
- Holcomb Elem 4 5
- 200 N Main
- Holcomb, KS 67851
- (620) 277-2257
- Holcomb Middle
- 500 N Henderson
- Holcomb, KS 67851
- (620) 277-2699
- Kenneth Henderson Middle
- 2406 Fleming
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5210
- High Schools
- Deerfield High
- 803 Beech
- Deefield, KS 67838
- (620) 426-8401
- Garden City Sr High
- 1412 N Main
- Garden City, KS 67846
- (620) 276-5170
- Holcomb High
- 600 N Jones
- Holcomb, KS 67851
- (620) 277-2063
- Lakin High
- 407 N Campbell
- Lakin, KS 67860
- (620) 355-6411
- Syracuse High
- 502 North Main
- Syracuse, KS 67878
- (620) 384-7446