School Profile: Northview Elementary
Welcome to the school profile for Northview Elementary! Looking for local school information?
Northview Elementary is located at 300 Griffith Dr, Manhattan, KS 66502. The contact phone number is (785) 587-2070. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.37.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Manhattan.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Manhattan Ogden
- Grade Range: KG - 6
- Students: 409
- Teachers (FTE): 30.6
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.37
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Northview Elementary
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Manhattan
- Primary Schools
- Lee Elementary
- 701 Lee Street
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2050
- Marlatt Elementary
- 2715 Hobbs
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2060
- Theo Roosevelt Elementary
- 1401 Houston Street
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2090
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- 312 N Juliette Avenue
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2170
- Middle Schools
- Dwight D Eisenhower Middle School
- 800 Walters Dr
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2880
- High Schools
- Manhattan High School West/East Campus
- 2100 Poyntz Avenue
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2100
- Other Schools
- Susan B Anthony Middle School
- 2501 Browning
- Manhattan, KS 66502
- (785) 587-2890