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Wellsville High Profile

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School Profile: Wellsville High

Welcome to the school profile for Wellsville High! Looking for local school information?

Wellsville High is located at 602 Walnut, Wellsville, KS 66092-8323. The contact phone number is (785) 883-2057. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.58.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Wellsville.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Wellsville
  • Grade Range: 9 - 12
  • Students: 234
  • Teachers (FTE): 20.2
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.58
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Wellsville High

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Primary Schools
Baldwin Elem Primary
700 Chapel
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-2444
Baldwin Elementary Intermediate Center
200 Bullpup Drive
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-2446
Edgerton Elementary
400 W Nelson
Edgerton, KS 66021
(913) 856-3500
Eisenhower Elementary
1404 South Ash
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8040
Eugene Field Elementary
720 Tremont
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8050
Gardner Elementary
218 E Shawnee
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-3300
Garfield Elementary
1213 College
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8060
Hawthorne Elementary
501 S Poplar
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8070
Lincoln Elementary
728 N Cedar
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8080
Madison Elementary
800 W. Madison St.
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-0400
Marion Springs
316 E 900 Rd
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-3081
Moonlight Elementary School
17960 S Moonlight Road
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-3100
Sunflower Elementary
775 North Center
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-3700
Vinland Elementary
702 E 1747 Rd
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-3912
Wellsville Elementary
218 Ash Street
Wellsville, KS 66092
(785) 883-2996
Middle Schools
Baldwin Junior High School
400 Eisenhower
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-2448
Nike Intermediate
19500 S. Gardner Rd.
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-3000
Ottawa Middle School
1230 South Ash
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8030
Wellsville Middle School
602 Walnut Street
Wellsville, KS 66092
(785) 883-4350
Wheatridge Middle School
318 East Washington
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-2900
High Schools
Baldwin High School
415 Eisenhower
Baldwin City, KS 66006
(785) 594-2725
Gardner Edgerton High
425 N. Waverly
Gardner, KS 66030
(913) 856-2600
Ottawa Sr High
1120 South Ash
Ottawa, KS 66067
(785) 229-8020
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