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Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle School Profile

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School Profile: Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle School

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Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle School is located at 9360 Woolworth Road, Shreveport, LA 71129. The contact phone number is (318) 687-6610. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.07.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Caddo Parish School Board
  • Grade Range: PK - 8
  • Students: 1577
  • Teachers (FTE): 92.4
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.07
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle School

Nearby Schools

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Primary Schools
Caddo Heights Elementary School
1702 Corbitt Street
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 636-9610
Forest Hill Elementary School
2005 Francais Drive
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-1783
Hillsdale Elementary School
3860 Hutchinson Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 636-3484
Judson Fundamental Elementary School
3809 Judson Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 635-1132
Lakeshore Elementary School
1807 San Jacinto Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 635-1325
Midway Professional Development Center
3840 Greenwood Road
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 636-1861
Mooretown Elementary Professional Develop. Sch
3913 Powell Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 631-7297
Oak Park Elementary School
4941 Mcdaniel Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 635-2141
Queensborough Elementary School
2701 Catherine Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 631-8784
Southern Hills Elementary School
9075 Kingston Road
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-1974
Summer Grove Elementary School
2955 Bert Kouns Industrial Lp
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-1754
Summerfield Elementary School
3131 Ardis Taylor Drive
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-1930
Sunset Acres Elementary School
6514 West Canal Boulevard
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 631-7121
Turner Elementary/Middle School
5904 West Seventieth Street
Shreveport, LA 71129
(318) 688-4380
Werner Park Elementary School
2715 Corbitt Street
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 635-9633
Westwood Elementary School
7325 Jewella Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 686-5489
Middle Schools
Bethune Middle School
4331 Henry Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 636-6336
Ridgewood Middle School
2001 Ridgewood Drive
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-0383
High Schools
Caddo Career Center
5950 Union Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 636-5150
Fair Park High School
3222 Greenwood Road
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 635-8181
Huntington High School
6801 Rasberry Lane
Shreveport, LA 71129
(318) 687-6655
Southwood High School
9000 Walker Road
Shreveport, LA 71118
(318) 686-9512
Other Schools
Oak Terrace/J.B. Harville Alternative School
6660 Quilen Road
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 621-9724
Shreveport Job Corps Opportunity Center
2815 Lillian Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 227-9331
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