School Profile: San Carlos Junior High School
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San Carlos Junior High School is located at Mile Post 4, Indian Route 6, San Carlos, AZ 85550-0207. The contact phone number is (928) 475-2431. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.70.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in San Carlos.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: San Carlos Unified District
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 314
- Teachers (FTE): 20
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.70
- Title I eligible: No
Map of San Carlos Junior High School
Nearby Schools
View all schools in San Carlos
- Primary Schools
- Cradleboard School
- Powerline Road
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-1026
- Fort Thomas Elementary School
- 15560 West Elementary School R
- Ft. Thomas, AZ 85536
- (928) 485-2433
- John F. Kennedy Day School
- Hwy 73, P.O. Box 130
- White River, AZ 85941
- (520) 338-4593
- Rice School
- Po Box 207
- San Carlos, AZ 85550
- (928) 475-2315
- San Carlos Intermediate
- San Carlos Avenue
- San Carlos, AZ 85550
- (928) 475-4836
- Seven Mile School
- 2005 Ft. Apache
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-1353
- Whiteriver Elementary
- 200 Cemetery Road
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-4138
- Middle Schools
- Canyon Day Junior High School
- 4621 S. 9th Street
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-1040
- High Schools
- Alchesay High School
- 200 Falcon Way
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-4848
- Alchesay High School
- 200 Falcon Way
- Whiteriver, AZ 85941
- (928) 338-4848
- Excel Education Centers San Carlos, Llc
- P. O. Box 729
- Peridot, AZ 85542
- (928) 475-2292
- Fort Thomas High School
- Highway 70
- Ft Thomas, AZ 85536
- (928) 485-2427
- San Carlos High School
- Milepost 270, Highway 70
- San Carlos, AZ 85550
- (928) 475-2378