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Livaudais Junior High School Profile

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School Profile: Livaudais Junior High School

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Livaudais Junior High School is located at 925 Lamar Avenue, Terrytown, LA 70056-4598. The contact phone number is (504) 393-7544. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.05.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Jefferson Parish School Board
  • Grade Range: 6 - 8
  • Students: 665
  • Teachers (FTE): 39
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.05
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Livaudais Junior High School

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Primary Schools
Alice M. Harte School
5300 Berkley Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
(504) 398-7101
Bonella A. St. Ville Elementary School
1121 Pailet Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 366-1708
Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School
3700 Tall Pines Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
(504) 398-7125
Ella C. Pittman Elementary School
3800 13th Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 340-4937
Frederick Douglass Elementary School
1400 Huey P Long Avenue
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 368-5962
George Cox Elementary School
2630 Belle Chasse Highway
Gretna, LA 70056
(504) 394-5890
Geraldine Boudreaux Elementary School
950 Behrman Highway
Terrytown, LA 70056
(504) 393-8732
Gretna #2 Kindergarten Center
701 Amelia Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-3582
Harvey Kindergarten Center
3400 Sixth Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 341-2051
Homedale School
500 Maple Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 366-7258
Kate Middleton Elementary School
1407 Virgil Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-8164
Martin Behrman Elementary School
715 Opelousas Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1001
Mcdonogh #26 Elementary School
1200 Jefferson Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 362-9929
Paul J. Solis Elementary School
2850 Mt Laurel Drive
Gretna, LA 70056
(504) 392-7867
Shirley Johnson/Gretna Park Elementary School
1130 Gretna Boulevard
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-1660
Terrytown Elementary School
550 East Forest Lawn Drive
Terrytown, LA 70056
(504) 366-7000
William Hart Elementary School
2001 Hancock Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-4346
Woodland West Elementary School
2143 Mars Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 366-5308
Woodmere Elementary School
3190 Destrehan Avenue
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 340-6373
Middle Schools
Gretna Junior High School
910 Gretna Boulevard
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-0120
High Schools
Edna Karr Magnet School
3332 Huntlee Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
(504) 398-7115
Helen Cox Junior High School
2200 Lapalco Boulevard
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 367-6388
O. P. Walker Senior High School
2832 General Meyer Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1072
West Jefferson High School
2200 8th Street
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 368-6055
Other Schools
Jefferson Wetlands Marine Institute
1149 Macarthur Boulevard
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 328-1221
Other Schools
Gretna No. 2 Academy For Advanced Studies
701 Amelia Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366-3582
Harriet Tubman Elementary School
2013 General Meyer Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1064
Julius Rosenwald Accelerated School
6501 Berkley Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131
(504) 398-7105
L.B. Landry High School
1200 L B Landry Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1040
Mcdonogh #32 Elementary School
800 Dearmas Street
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1057
Murray Henderson Middle School
1912 L B Landry Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1032
N. O. Public Schools Alternative High School
709 Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1018
Paul B. Habans Elementary School
3819 Herschel Street
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 309-4152
St. Ville Academy For High School Preparation
1121 Pailet Avenue
Harvey, LA 70058
(504) 366-1708
Thomas Jefferson Academy For Advanced Studies
815 Huey P Long Avenue
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 349-8653
William J. Fischer Elementary School
1801 L B Landry Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 363-1009
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