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Shady Spring Elementary Profile

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School Profile: Shady Spring Elementary

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Shady Spring Elementary is located at 8868 Goldenwood Rd, Baltimore, MD 21237-2221. The contact phone number is (410) 887-0509. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.97.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Baltimore County Public Schools
  • Grade Range: PK - 5
  • Students: 607
  • Teachers (FTE): 38
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.97
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Shady Spring Elementary

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Primary Schools
Carney Elementary
3131 E Joppa Rd
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5228
City Neighborhood Charter School
4301 Raspe Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 000-0000
Deep Creek Elementary
1101 E Homberg Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0110
Elmwood Elementary
531 Dale Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 887-5232
Essex Elementary
100 Mace Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0117
Fullerton Elementary
4400 Fullerton Ave
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5234
Furley Elementary
4633 Furley Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9094
Gardenville Elementary
5300 Belair Rd
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-6382
Garrett Heights Elementary
2800 Ailsa Ave
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6362
Glenmount Elementary/Middle
6211 Walther Ave
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6366
Gunpowder Elementary
9540 Holiday Manor Rd
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5121
Halstead Academy
1111 Halstead Rd
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-3210
Hamilton Elementary/Middle
6101 Old Harford Rd
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6375
Harford Hills Elementary
8902 Old Harford Rd
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5236
Hazelwood Elementary/Middle
4517 Hazelwood Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9098
Mars Estates Elementary
1500 E Homberg Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0154
Mccormick Elementary
5101 Hazelwood Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 887-0500
Middleborough Elementary
313 West Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0160
Middlesex Elementary
142 Bennett Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0170
Moravia Park Primary
6201 Frankford Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9294
Oakleigh Elementary
1900 White Oak Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5238
Orems Elementary
711 High Villa Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0172
Perry Hall Elementary
9021 Belair Rd
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5105
Pine Grove Elementary
2701 Summit Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5267
Red House Run Elementary
1717 Weyburn Rd
Baltimore, MD 21237
(410) 887-0506
Sandalwood Elementary
900 S Marlyn Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0174
Seven Oaks Elementary
9220 Seven Courts Dr
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-6257
Sussex Elementary
515 S Woodward Dr
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0182
Villa Cresta Elementary
2600 Rader Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5275
White Oak School
8401 Leefield Rd
Parkville, MD 21234
(410) 887-5378
Woodhome Elementary/Middle
7300 Moyer Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 396-6398
Middle Schools
Deep Creek Middle
1000 S Marlyn Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0112
Golden Ring Middle
6700 Kenwood Ave
Baltimore, MD 21237
(410) 887-0130
Hamilton Middle
5609 Sefton Ave
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6370
Northeast Middle
5001 Moravia Rd
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9221
Parkville Middle & Center Of Technology
8711 Avondale Road
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5250
Perry Hall Middle
4300 Ebenezer Rd
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5100
Pine Grove Middle
9200 Old Harford Rd
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5270
Stemmers Run Middle
201 Stemmers Run Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0177
Thurgood Marshall Middle #170
5001 Sinclair Lane
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9103
Woodbourne Day School
5003 Sinclair Lane
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-9225
High Schools
Chesapeake High
1801 Turkey Point Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0100
Dr. Samuel L. Banks High
2500 E Northern Pkwy
Baltimore, MD 21214
(443) 984-1541
Eastern Technical High School
1100 Mace Ave
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0190
Kenwood High Ib And Sports Science
501 Stemmers Run Rd
Baltimore, MD 21221
(410) 887-0153
Overlea High & Academy Of Finance
5401 Kenwood Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 887-5241
Parkville High & Center For Math/Science
2600 Putty Hill Ave
Baltimore, MD 21234
(410) 887-5257
Perry Hall High
4601 Ebenezer Rd
Baltimore, MD 21236
(410) 887-5108
Reginald F. Lewis High School
6401 Pioneer Dr
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 545-1783
Thurgood Marshall High
5000 Truesdale Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
(410) 396-5938
W.E.B. Dubois Senior High
2201 Pinewood Ave
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-6435
Other Schools
Academy For College And Career Exploration
2500 E Northern Pkwy
Baltimore, MD 21214
(410) 396-7607
Rosedale Center
8200 Old Philadelphia Rd
Baltimore, MD 21237
(410) 887-0133
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