School Profile: Park Hall Elementary
Welcome to the school profile for Park Hall Elementary! Looking for local school information?
Park Hall Elementary is located at 20343 Hermanville Rd, Park Hall, MD 20667. The contact phone number is (301) 863-4054. It has a student/teacher ratio of 15.97.
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Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: St. Mary's County Public Schools St.
- Grade Range: PK - 5
- Students: 527
- Teachers (FTE): 33
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 15.97
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Park Hall Elementary
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Park Hall
- Primary Schools
- George Washington Carver Elementary
- 20833 Great Mills Rd
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4076
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- 46060 Millstone Landing Rd
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4064
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- 46763 Shangri La Dr
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4085
- Town Creek Elementary
- 45805 Dent Dr
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4044
- Middle Schools
- Esperanza Middle
- 22790 Maple Rd
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4016
- Spring Ridge Middle
- 19856 Three Notch Rd
- Lexington Park, MD 20653
- (301) 863-4031