School Profile: Joseph P Manning
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Joseph P Manning is located at 130 Louders Lane, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-3425. The contact phone number is (617) 635-8102. It has a student/teacher ratio of 13.87.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Jamaica Plain.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Boston
- Grade Range: KG - 5
- Students: 172
- Teachers (FTE): 12.4
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 13.87
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Joseph P Manning
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Jamaica Plain
- Primary Schools
- Agassiz
- 20 Child Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8198
- Elc West Zone
- 200 Heath Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8275
- James M Curley
- 40 Pershing Road
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8239
- James W Hennigan
- 200 Heath Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8264
- John F Kennedy
- 7 Bolster Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8127
- Young Achievers
- 25 Walk Hill Street
- Jamica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-6804
- Middle Schools
- Mary E Curley Middle
- 493 Centre Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8176
- High Schools
- Boston International High School
- 25 Glen Road
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-9373
- Egleston Comm High School
- 3134 Washington Street
- Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- (617) 635-6429
- The English High
- 144 Mcbride Street
- Boston, MA 02130
- (617) 635-8979