School Profile: Aldrich School
Welcome to the school profile for Aldrich School! Looking for local school information?
Aldrich School is located at 14 Hill Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588-1009. The contact phone number is (508) 234-5883. It has a student/teacher ratio of 19.38.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Whitinsville.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Northbridge
- Grade Range: PK - PK
- Students: 126
- Teachers (FTE): 6.5
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 19.38
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Aldrich School
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Whitinsville
- Primary Schools
- Douglas Early Childhood
- 29 Depot Street
- Douglas, MA 01516
- (508) 476-4034
- Douglas Elementary
- 17 Gleason Court
- East Douglas, MA 01516
- (508) 476-2154
- Earl D Taft
- 16 Granite Street
- Uxbridge, MA 01569
- (508) 278-8643
- Northbridge Primary Sch
- 30 Cross Street
- Whitinsville, MA 01588
- (508) 234-6346
- South Grafton Elementary
- 90 Main Street
- South Grafton, MA 01560
- (508) 839-5484
- Sutton Early Learning
- 383 Boston Road
- Sutton, MA 01590
- (508) 581-1610
- Sutton Elementary
- 383 Boston Road
- Sutton, MA 01590
- (508) 581-1620
- W Edward Balmer
- 21 Crescent Street
- Whitinsville, MA 01588
- (508) 234-8161
- Middle Schools
- Douglas Intermediate School
- 21 Davis Street
- Douglas, MA 01516
- (508) 476-3332
- Northbridge Middle
- 171 Linwood Avenue
- Whitinsville, MA 01588
- (508) 234-8718
- Sutton Middle School
- 409 Boston Road
- Sutton, MA 01590
- (508) 581-1630
- Whitin Intermediate
- 120 Granite Street
- Uxbridge, MA 01569
- (508) 278-8640
- High Schools
- Douglas High School
- 33 Davis Street
- Douglas, MA 01516
- (508) 476-4100
- Northbridge High
- 427 Linwood Avenue
- Whitinsville, MA 01588
- (508) 234-6221
- Sutton High School
- 409 Boston Road
- Sutton, MA 01590
- (508) 581-1640
- Uxbridge High
- 62 Capron Street
- Uxbridge, MA 01569
- (508) 278-8636