School Profile: Watertown High
Welcome to the school profile for Watertown High! Looking for local school information?
Watertown High is located at 50 Columbia Street, Watertown, MA 02472-3432. The contact phone number is (617) 926-7760. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.58.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Watertown.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Watertown
- Grade Range: 9 - 12
- Students: 702
- Teachers (FTE): 60.6
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.58
- Title I eligible: No
Map of Watertown High
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Watertown
- Primary Schools
- Cabot
- 229 Cabot Street
- Newtonville, MA 02460
- (617) 559-9400
- Cunniff
- 246 Warren Street
- Watertown, MA 02472
- (617) 926-7726
- Daniel Butler
- 90 White Street
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-3519
- Horace Mann
- 687 Watertown Street
- Newtonville, MA 02460
- (617) 559-9510
- Hosmer
- 1 Concord Rd
- Watertown, MA 02472
- (617) 926-7740
- James Russell Lowell
- 175 Orchard Street
- Watertown, MA 02472
- (617) 926-7770
- Lincoln Eliot
- 191 Pearl Street
- Newton, MA 02458
- (617) 559-9540
- Mary Lee Burbank
- 266 School Street
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-3411
- Newton Early Childhood Center
- 100 Walnut Street
- Newtonville, MA 02460
- (617) 559-6050
- Roger E Wellington
- 121 Orchard Street
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-8668
- Underwood
- 101 Vernon Street
- Newton, MA 02458
- (617) 559-9660
- Winn Brook
- 97 Waterhouse Rd
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-0306
- Middle Schools
- Bigelow Middle
- 42 Vernon Street
- Newton, MA 02458
- (617) 552-7800
- F A Day Middle
- 21 Minot Place
- Newtonville, MA 02460
- (617) 559-9100
- Watertown Middle
- 68 Waverley Avenue
- Watertown, MA 02472
- (617) 926-7783
- Winthrop L Chenery Middle
- 95 Washington Street
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-3900
- High Schools
- Belmont High
- 221 Concord Avenue
- Belmont, MA 02478
- (617) 484-4700
- Newton North High
- 360 Lowell Avenue
- Newtonville, MA 02460
- (617) 559-6200