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Tinkham Alternative Education Profile

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School Profile: Tinkham Alternative Education

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Tinkham Alternative Education is located at 450 S. Venoy Road, Westland, MI 48186-7805. The contact phone number is (734) 419-2436. It has a student/teacher ratio of 7.24.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Westland.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Wayne Westland Community
  • Grade Range: Ungraded
  • Students: 63
  • Teachers (FTE): 8.7
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 7.24
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Tinkham Alternative Education

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Primary Schools
Academy Of Westland
300 S. Henry Ruff Road
Westland, MI 48186
(734) 722-1465
Albert Schweitzer Elementary School
2601 Treadwell
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2750
Alexander Hamilton Elementary School
1031 S. Schuman Street
Westland, MI 48186
(734) 419-2650
Baylor Woodson Elementary School
28865 Carlysle Street
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 467-5697
Cleveland Elementary School
28030 Cathedral Street
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2700
Cooper Elementary School
28550 Ann Arbor Trail
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2710
Daly School
25824 Michigan Avenue
Inkster, MI 48141
(313) 565-0016
David Hicks School
100 Helen Street
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 419-2660
Discovery Arts And Technology Psa
27355 Woodsfield
Inkster, MI 48141
(313) 827-0762
Douglas School
6400 Hartel Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8450
Eugene B. Elliott Elem. School
30800 Bennington
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2610
Farmington Elementary School
33411 Marquette Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8460
Garfield Elementary School
10218 Arthur Street
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2715
Gaudior Academy
27100 Avondale Avenue
Inkster, MI 48141
(313) 792-9444
Grant Elementary School
9300 Hubbard Street
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2720
Great Parents/Great Start
33500 Van Born Road
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 334-1438
Hayes Elementary School
30600 Louise Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2725
Henry Ruff School
30300 Maplewood Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8470
Hoover Elementary School
5400 4th Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2670
James Madison Elementary School
1075 S. Carlson Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2710
Jefferson Barns Elem. School
32150 Dorsey Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2680
Johnson Elementary School
8400 Hix Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2740
Kettering Elementary School
1200 S. Hubbard Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2690
Lathers School
28351 Marquette Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8490
Lincoln Elementary School
33800 Grand Traverse Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2700
Mckinley Elementary School
9101 Hillcrest Street
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2755
Meek Milton Elementary School
28865 Carlysle Ave
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 326-6940
Memorial Elementary School
30001 Marquette Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8480
Nankin Mills Elementary School
8100 Hubbard Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2760
P.D. Graham Elementary School
1255 S. John Hix Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2620
Patchin Elementary School
6420 N. Newburgh Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2740
Roosevelt/Mcgrath Elem. School
36075 Currier Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2720
Stottlemyer Early Childhood Ctr.
34801 Marquette Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2645
Taft Galloway Elementary School
4035 Gloria Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2760
Thomas A. Edison Elem. School
34505 Hunter Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2600
Thomas Gist Academy South
4825 Dancy
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 721-5515
Tomlinson Elementary School
25912 Annapolis Street
Inkster, MI 48141
(313) 565-3391
Vandenberg Elementary School
32101 Stellwagen Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2770
Washington Elementary School
9449 Hix Road
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2790
Wildwood Elementary School
500 N. Wildwood Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2790
Middle Schools
Adams Middle School
33475 Palmer Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2380
Adlai Stevenson Middle School
38501 Palmer Road
Westland, MI 48186
(734) 419-2350
Benjamin Franklin Middle School
33555 Annapolis Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2402
Blanchette Middle School
1771 Henry Ruff Road
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 326-7041
Emerson Middle School
29100 W. Chicago Street
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2665
Garden City Middle School
1851 Radcliff Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8400
John Marshall Middle School
35100 Bayview Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2277
Thomas Gist Academy North
28955 Rosewood
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 728-4813
High Schools
Academy Of Inkster
28500 Avondale
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 641-1312
Churchill High School
8900 Newburgh Road
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2650
Franklin High School
31000 Joy Road
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2655
Garden City High School
6500 Middlebelt Road
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8350
Inkster High School
3250 Middlebelt Road
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 326-8519
John Glenn High School
36105 Marquette Street
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2323
Kaselemis Center
36651 Ann Arbor Trail
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 422-3717
Wayne Memorial High School
3001 4th Street
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 419-2206
Other Schools
Beacon Day Treatment Center
28690 Grandview
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 722-6130
Burger Development Center
30922 Beechwood Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8420
Cherry Hill School Of Performing Arts
28500 Avondale
Inkster, MI 48141
(734) 722-2811
Homebound Program
1333 Radcliff Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8300
Livonia Career Technical Center
8985 Newburgh Road
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 744-2816
N.W. Wayne Skill Center
8075 Ritz Avenue
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2810
Perrinville Early Childhood Center
33344 Ann Arbor Trail
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 744-2765
Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital
30901 Palmer Road
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 367-8600
William Ford Career Tech Center
36455 Marquette
Westland, MI 48185
(734) 419-2106
Other Schools
Cyesis Program
28901 Cambridge Street
Garden City, MI 48135
(734) 762-8430
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