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Stringer Attendance Center Profile

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School Profile: Stringer Attendance Center

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Stringer Attendance Center is located at 122 County Road 17, Stringer, MS 39481-0068. The contact phone number is (601) 428-5508. It has a student/teacher ratio of 17.48.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: West Jasper Consolidated Schools
  • Grade Range: KG - 12
  • Students: 659
  • Teachers (FTE): 37.7
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 17.48
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Stringer Attendance Center

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510 Hwy 18
Bay Springs, MS 39422
(601) 764-2016
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Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 425-9799
Glade Elementary School
990 Highway 15 South
Laurel, MS 39443
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Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 428-0393
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1305 Martin Luther King Drive
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 428-7782
Oak Park Elementary School
1205 Oak Park Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 428-5046
Shady Grove Elementary School
4524 Highway 15 North
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 426-6632
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4356 Sharon Road
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 428-1980
Stainton Elementary School
795 S 19th Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 426-6437
The Star Reach Center
663 Magnolia Road
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 649-7827
West Jones Elementary School
5652 Highway 84 West
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 763-4850
Middle Schools
Bay Springs Middle Sch
124 Edmund King Road
Bay Springs, MS 39422
(601) 764-3378
Stewart Jones Middle School
1125 N Fifth Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 428-5312
High Schools
A P Fatheree Voc Tech School
2409 Moose Drive
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 425-2378
Bay Springs High School
510 Hwy 18
Bay Springs, MS 39422
(601) 764-4151
Laurel High School
1100 W 12th Street
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 649-4145
Northeast Jones High School
68 Northeast Drive
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 425-2347
West Jones High School
254 Springhill Road
Laurel, MS 39443
(601) 729-8144
Other Schools
Laurel Education Center
600 South 16th Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 649-5195
Laurel High School Voc Complex
1100 W 11th Street
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 649-4144
Pine Belt Educational Center
923 B Sawmill Road
Laurel, MS 39440
(601) 649-8080
Taylorsville High School
324 Hester Street
Taylorsville, MS 39168
(601) 785-6942
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