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Briarcliff Elem. Profile

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School Profile: Briarcliff Elem.

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Briarcliff Elem. is located at 4100 Nw Briarcliff Rd, Kansas City, MO 64116-1749. The contact phone number is (816) 413-4950. It has a student/teacher ratio of 8.68.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Kansas City.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: North Kansas City 74
  • Grade Range: KG - 5
  • Students: 224
  • Teachers (FTE): 25.8
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 8.68
  • Title I eligible: No

Map of Briarcliff Elem.

Nearby Schools

View all schools in Kansas City

Primary Schools
Chouteau Elem.
3701 N Jackson
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 413-6760
Crestview Elem.
4327 N Holmes
Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 413-4700
Della Lamb Elem.
1000 Charlotte St
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 221-0043
Lakewood Elem.
4624 N Norton
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 413-6570
Topping Elem.
4433 N Topping
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 413-6660
Winnwood Elem.
4531 Ne 44th Terr
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 413-4650
Woodland Elem.
711 Woodland
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 842-3775
Middle Schools
Eastgate Middle
4700 Ne Parvin Rd
Kansas City, MO 64117
(816) 413-5800
High Schools
21 St Century Alternative
1215 E Truman Rd
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 418-5207
C. R. Anderson Alternative
1215 E Truman Rd
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 418-8655
K. C. Job Corps Alternative
1215 Truman Rd
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 861-2353
Manual Career & Tech. Ctr.
1215 Truman Rd
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 418-5200
North Kansas City High
620 E 23rd Ave
Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 413-5900
Park Hill South High
4500 River Park Dr
Riverside, MO 64150
(816) 587-7373
Other Schools
Ctr. For Educ. Development
1900 Ne 46th St
Kansas City, MO 64116
(816) 413-5000
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