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Vida School Profile

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School Profile: Vida School

Welcome to the school profile for Vida School! Looking for local school information?

Vida School is located at 200 Shell Street, Vida, MT 59274. The contact phone number is (406) 525-3374. It has a student/teacher ratio of 7.60.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Vida Elem
  • Grade Range: PK - 8
  • Students: 19
  • Teachers (FTE): 2.5
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 7.60
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Vida School

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Primary Schools
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215 N 5th St
Brockton, MT 59213
(406) 786-3311
Bo Peep School
1105 F Avenue
Circle, MT 59215
(406) 485-2140
Frontier School
Mt Highway 25
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-2501
Poplar School
400 4th Avenue West
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-3408
Richey School
202 Royal Avenue
Richey, MT 59259
(406) 773-5523
Southside School
415 4th Avenue South
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-1480
Middle Schools
Barbara Gilligan 7 8
215 N 5th St
Brockton, MT 59213
(406) 786-3311
Frontier 7 8
Mt Highway 25
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-2501
Northside School
710 4th Avenue North
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-1653
Poplar 5 6 School
400 4th Avenue West
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-3408
Poplar 7 8
400 4th Avenue West
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-3408
Redwater 7 8
1105 F Avenue
Circle, MT 59215
(406) 485-2140
Redwater School
1105 F Avenue
Circle, MT 59215
(406) 485-2140
Richey 7 8
202 Royal Avenue
Richey, MT 59259
(406) 773-5680
Wolf Point 7 8
213 6th Avenue South
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-1200
High Schools
Brockton High School
215 N 5th St
Brockton, MT 59213
(406) 786-3311
Circle High School
1105 F Avenue
Circle, MT 59215
(406) 485-3600
Poplar High School
400 4th Avenue West
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-3408
Richey High School
202 Royal Avenue
Richey, MT 59259
(406) 773-5523
Wolf Point High School
213 6th Avenue South
Wolf Point, MT 59201
(406) 653-1200
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