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Dyer Elementary School Profile

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School Profile: Dyer Elementary School

Welcome to the school profile for Dyer Elementary School! Looking for local school information?

Dyer Elementary School is located at P.O. Box 129, Dyer, NV 89010-0104. The contact phone number is (775) 572-3250. It has a student/teacher ratio of 10.67.

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  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Esmeralda County
  • Grade Range: KG - 8
  • Students: 32
  • Teachers (FTE): 3
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 10.67
  • Title I eligible: Yes

Map of Dyer Elementary School

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Primary Schools
Edna Beaman Elementary
25541 Highway 6
Benton, CA 93512
(760) 933-2397
Elm Street Elementary
800 West Elm St.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1278
Mammoth Elementary
2600 Meridan Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-7545
Mono County Alternative/Opportunity
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
Pine Street Elementary
800 West Pine St.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1658
Rivergold Elementary
31800 Road 400
Coarsegold, CA 93514
(559) 658-7566
Round Valley Elementary
300 North Round Valley Rd.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 387-2525
Silver Peak Elementary School
P.O. Box 218
Silver Peak, NV 89047
(775) 937-2261
Middle Schools
Bishop Union Elementary Community Day
163 Grandview Ave.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1060
Home Street Middle
201 North Home St.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 872-1381
Mammoth Middle
365 Sierra Park Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-7072
High Schools
Bishop High
301 North Fowler St.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873-4275
High Desert Academy
25541 Highway 6
Benton, CA 93512
(760) 933-2397
Mammoth High
365 Sierra Park Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-8541
Mammoth Olympic Academy For Academic Excellence
365 Sierra Park Rd. Sierra Par
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-7636
Mono County Juvenile Hall/Community
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
North County Community Day
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
Sierra High (Continuation)
1601 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-3702
Other Schools
Jill Kinmont Boothe
166 Grandview Ln.
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873-3262
Mammoth Community Day
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
Mono County Special Education
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
Phoenix Community Day
793 West Elm St., Bldg. C
Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873-3262
Summit Charter
1651 Meridian Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
(760) 934-0031
Other Schools
Benton Community Day
25541 Highway 6
Benton, CA 93512
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