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Pond Road Middle School Profile

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School Profile: Pond Road Middle School

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Pond Road Middle School is located at 150 Pond Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691. The contact phone number is (609) 632-0940. It has a student/teacher ratio of 11.75.

Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Robbinsville.

  • Students per Grade

  • Students and Teachers

  • School District: Washington Township
  • Grade Range: 4 - 8
  • Students: 900
  • Teachers (FTE): 76.6
  • Student/Teacher Ratio: 11.75
  • Title I eligible: --

Map of Pond Road Middle School

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Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
(609) 631-4148
295 Bordentown Chesterfied Rd.
Trenton, NJ 08620
(609) 298-6900
Ethel Mcknight
58 Twin Rivers Dr., South
East Windsor, NJ 08520
(609) 443-7800
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380 Stockton St.
Hightstown, NJ 08520
(609) 443-7833
2080 Whatley Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 631-4157
Perry L Drew
70 Twin Rivers Drive North
East Windsor, NJ 08520
(609) 443-7820
3333 Nottingham Way
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 631-4164
234 Sharon Road
Robbinsville, NJ 08691
(609) 259-7606
166 Elton Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08620
(609) 631-4166
Uni Hts/Howard D Morrison
645 Paxson Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 631-4167
Upper Freehold Reg. Elem.
High Street
Allentown, NJ 08501
(609) 259-7369
Walter C Black
371 Stockton Street
Hightstown, NJ 08520
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450 Yardville Allentown Rd.
Trenton, NJ 08620
(609) 631-4170
Yardville Heights
3880 South Broad Street
Yardville, NJ 08620
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Middle Schools
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2145 Yardville Hamilton Square
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 631-4162
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5 Kent Lane
East Windsor, NJ 08520
(609) 443-7767
Richard C Crockett Middle
2631 Kuser Road
Trenton, NJ 08691
(609) 631-4149
High Schools
Allentown High
High Street
Allentown, NJ 08501
(609) 259-2160
Hightstown High
25 Leshin Lane
Hightstown, NJ 08520
(609) 443-7738
Mcvs Assunpink Cent
1085 Old Trenton Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 586-5144
Mcvs Performing Arts
P.O. Box B Av 210
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 586-3550
Other Schools
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1072 Old Trenton Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 588-8485
Mercer Elementary School
1020 Old Trenton Road
Hamilton, NJ 08690
(609) 570-1120
Mercer Jr/Sr High School
1030 Old Trenton Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 588-8450
N J Reg Day Hamilton
1070 Old Trenton Road
Trenton, NJ 08690
(609) 588-8490
Robbinsville High School
155 Robbinsville Edinburg Road
Robbinsville, NJ 08690
(609) 632-0950
Other Schools
Garden State Correctional Facility
Po Box 11401
Yardville, NJ 08620
(609) 298-6300
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