School Profile: Magdalena Middle
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Magdalena Middle is located at 200 Duggins Drive, Magdalena, NM 87825-0024. The contact phone number is (505) 854-2241. It has a student/teacher ratio of 9.62.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Magdalena.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: Magdalena Municipal Schools
- Grade Range: 6 - 8
- Students: 102
- Teachers (FTE): 10.6
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 9.62
- Title I eligible: Yes
Map of Magdalena Middle
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Magdalena
- Primary Schools
- Cottonwood Valley Ch
- 201 Neel St.
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 838-0914
- Edward E. Torres El.
- 239 Garfield Avenue Sw
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 835-1086
- Magdalena Elementary
- 200 Duggins Drive
- Magdalena, NM 87825
- (505) 854-2241
- Midway Elementary
- 9 Midway Road
- Polvadera, NM 87828
- (505) 835-1436
- Parkview Elem.
- 107 Franciso De Avondo
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 835-0300
- Middle Schools
- R. S. Sarracino Mid
- 1425 El Camino Real Nw
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 835-0283
- Zimmerly Elementary
- 511 El Camino Real Nw
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 835-1436
- High Schools
- Magdalena High
- 200 Duggins Drive
- Magdalena, NM 87825
- (505) 854-2241
- Socorro High
- Highway 60 West
- Socorro, NM 87801
- (505) 835-0700
- Other Schools
- Alamo Day School
- Hwy. 169, P.O. Box 907
- Magdalena, NM 87825
- (505) 854-2635