School Profile: P.S. 175 City Island School
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P.S. 175 City Island School is located at 200 City Island Avenue, Bronx, NY 10464-1509. The contact phone number is (718) 885-1093. It has a student/teacher ratio of 12.97.
Below you can find more school demographics, statistics & resources, explore a map, links to nearby schools, nationwide discussions about schools, and a link to all schools in Bronx.
Students per Grade
Students and Teachers
- School District: New York City Geographic District #11
- Grade Range: KG - 8
- Students: 402
- Teachers (FTE): 31
- Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.97
- Title I eligible: No
Map of P.S. 175 City Island School
Nearby Schools
View all schools in Bronx
- Primary Schools
- Jefferson Elementary School
- 131 Weyman Avenue
- New Rochelle, NY 10805
- (914) 576-4430
- P.S. 10
- 2750 Lafayette Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10465
- (718) 828-4022
- P.S. 14 Senator John Calandra School
- 3041 Bruckner Boulevard
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 822-5341
- P.S. 71 Rose E. Scala School
- 3040 Roberts Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 822-5351
- P.S. 72 Dr. William Dorney School
- 2951 Dewey Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10465
- (718) 822-5311
- P.S. 108 Philip J. Abinanti School
- 1166 Neill Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 863-9829
- P.S. 153 Helen Keller School
- 650 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5550
- P.S. 160 Walt Disney School
- 4140 Hutchnsn Rvr Pkwy E
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 379-5951
- P.S. 176
- 850 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5758
- P.S. 178 Dr. Selman Waxman School
- 850 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5570
- P.S. 304 Early Childhood School
- 2750 Lafayette Ave
- Bronx, NY 10465
- (718) 822-5307
- Trinity Elementary School
- 180 Pelham Road
- New Rochelle, NY 10805
- (914) 576-4440
- Middle Schools
- I.S. 180 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams
- 700 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5650
- I.S. 181 Pablo Casals
- 800 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5600
- I.S. 192 Piagentini Jones School
- 650 Hollywood Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10465
- (718) 822-5317
- Isaac E. Young Middle School
- 270 Centre Avenue
- New Rochelle, NY 10805
- (914) 576-4360
- M.S. 101 P.O. Edward R Byrne
- 2750 Lafayette Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10465
- (718) 829-6372
- High Schools
- Harry S. Truman High School
- 750 Baychester Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 904-5400
- Herbert H. Lehman High School
- 3000 East Tremont Avenue
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 904-4286
- Other Schools
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- 1000 Waters Pl
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 430-7236
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- 750 Baychester Ave
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (212) 374-6930
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- 1619 Boston Road
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 991-0860
- Bronx Psychiatric Center
- 1500 Waters Place
- Bronx, NY 10461
- (718) 931-0600
- East Bronx Academy For The Future
- 750 Baychester Ave
- Bronx, NY 10475
- (718) 822-0293
- Hospital Schools
- 3450 E. Tremont Ave
- Bronx, NY 10465
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- Bronx, NY 10461
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- Bronx, NY 10461
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- Bronx, NY 10461
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